Werbung in Multi-User-Games
von G. Silberer, S. Kehres & J.-F. Engelhardt (2003)
1. Einleitung
2. Werbung in First-Person-Shooter-Spielen
2.1 Spielprinzip und Funktionsweise von First-Person-Shootern
2.2 Werbeplatzierung in First-Person-Shootern
3. Modellierung der Werbewirkung in First-Person-Shooter-Spielen
4. Anlage der Untersuchung
5. Ergebnisse der Untersuchung
6. Implikationen für die Marketingpraxis
In view of the oftentimes quoted high importance of the Internet, many companies attach corresponding importance to the promotion of their products, services and brand images via online-communication. So far, no attention has been drawn to the fact that, due to the basic technical conditions, the constantly growing group of online-gamers can not be reached by existing online-offers while playing. Regarding the popular category of first-person-shooters, this problem can be solved by integrating the advertisement directly into the virtual three-dimensional game environment. Although this new form of placing advertisement can be expected to exert an influence on the brand and, consequently, on the market success, limited theoretical and empirical research exists on this rather new phenomenon. In this paper, the authors draw on the the attitude toward the Ad-model to develop a system of hypothesis that describes the coherences of the modelled determinants with the attitude toward the virtual 3D-advertisement as well as the attitude toward the brand. Using an online-sample of about 162 consumers, the relevance and structure of the linear structural equation model is proved. The major findings and marketing implications are discussed and directions for practical usage are suggested. Most importantly, the results show that virtual placard advertisement highly influences the communication behavior and the attitude toward the brand.