E-Examination during the Corona-pandemic: advice for students
As a general rule: Please be considerate of your fellow students, the supervisors and only participate with good health. If you show any signs of a cold, hayfever or even Covid-19, please inform the person in charge and ask for compensatory dates or performances. We reserve to denie access to the exam to an obviously ill student.Always keep the condition of at least 1.5 meters or more to others! Do not gather in groups before or after the exam! Proceed anticipatory and disciplined!
- While entering or leaving your designated examination room, including MZG/ZHG, you are required to wear a facemask. This could be a cloth as well as a scarf.
- You are not required to wear a facemask in the room, but due to protective purposes we strongly recommend that.
- Although desks, keyboard and mouse are cleaned on a regular basis, they can not be guaranteed to be free of any kind of virus. Therefor gloves are a recommended health measure.
- Wash your hands thoroughly in advance and use the desinfectants dispenser found by the entry and exit area.
- Drinking water out of closed bottles is allowed, but please consider to relinquish the usage if not necessary.
- Using the restroom is possible, but please consider to relinquish using the restrooms during the exam due to the relatively short time periode of the exam . On your way to and from the restroom you are required to wear a facemask.
- You have to be enrolled to participate. If you should face any problems during the enrollment please contact the person in responsible immediately. You can not participate if you are not assigned a seat number. A subsequent registration is not possible.
- Pay attention to the signposted rules concerning reaching various levels within the building. The western stairs are used for the way up, the eastern stairs for the way down. Lifts are not available. As a result of the limited space you are required to wear a facemask, hold some distance and pay attention to individuals approaching the stairs from differend levels.
- You will receive your assigned seat number after the enrollment has ended (roughly 24 hours in advance of the exam). Please find yourself on your assigned seat number in the waiting area in front of the designated room. Your personal waiting area can be found here: Waiting area
- If you exam is scheduled to take place in room MZG 1.116, your waiting area starts at the base oft he blue stairs on the first floor in the ZHG next to the porter’s lodge. Please go to the waiting area of the corresponding room at the earliest 15 minutes before the start of the exam.
- If you are assigned to write in any of the other rooms, please find yourself in front of the respective rooms. You will find seperate waiting areas.
- Try to avoid bringing large backpacks or bags. The only things usually required are a pen and your student ID card. All items (such as jackets and bags) not required for the exam shall be placed beneath the working station. Do not use the storage compartment or empty spaces in front of doors etc. to avoid unnecessary contact with other individuals.
- Attendance check will be done at the entry area of the examination room. Therefor you need to align with your student ID card in front of the camera and make sure everything is legible. These recordings will only be used to perform a distant attendance check and will be immediately deleted after the process is finished.
- Move towards your assigned seat. In order to avoid searching your seat, please consider checking available room plans in advance.
- Waiting area
- Identity check
- Hygiene
- Wearing a mask is recommended

- If you need technical or content-related support during the exam, it is necessary to wear a face mask.
- Please move away (approx. 1.5 meters), so that the support can reach your computer.
- Leaving the examination room will proceed with oder and possibly zone by zone.
- Please only leave the room after your seat number as been announced. In case you are not sure which seat number is yours, the information is provided by the login note in front of you.
- Please pay attention to the one-way-system concerning the sairways. For going down and leaving the MZG, please use the eastern stairs. Entrance and Exit are clearly tagged.
- Make sure you have all your personal belongings when leaving. Everything left behind will be disposed of at the same day.
- Please leave the signed login notes on your seat, these will be collected afterwards. The last two students are kindly asked to sign the checksum protocol when leaving. It will be placed easily accessible on your way out.
- Only in justified exceptions are mock exams realized in presence at our facility a possibility, e.g. if there is a complex scenario with admitted applications, which you are otherwise not able to inform your students about (such as related exercises).
- Please provide a possibility to get to know admitted applications (e.g. Excel, Windows Calculator, PDF-reader) if these are not already included within your training event.
- To get to know the functionality of an ILIAS-test and the used questions, you usually will receive informative tests within the according lecture in Stud.IP.
Post-exam reviews are principally possible. Kindly ask your teacher for a date. To be able to review your exam you need to enroll as you did with the initial exam. A subsequent registration is not possible due to assigned seats and a maximum capacity oft he room. Content questions can be answered by using a smartboard in the room.
- To make use of the compensation for disadvantages and/or who is part of the high risk group has to inform the examination office and the person in charge of the exam in advance so a common solution can be found (e.g. seperate room, alternative date or a replacing performance).
- In order to communicate with supervisors you are able to use a chat tool. If you should experience any problems with your working station, it can be accessed by the supervisors by using remote access. You are not required to leave your assigned seat.
We apologize for any inconvenience you might experience due to operating delays with the current situation. Please expect to be faced with delays.
Please wait at least 20 minutes in advance to the official beginning of your exam at your designated seat number in the waiting area in front of MZG 1.116.
If you have been assigned to one of the PC-Pools on the 5th, 6th or 7th floor, you are kindly asked to remain on the main floor or outside of the building, up until the beginning of the exam is scheduled in 15 minutes. If the remaining time is 15 minutes or less, please find your designated waiting tag with your assigned seat number on the according floor.
Take a seat only if you are requested to do so!
We reserve to update our suggestions depending on further development. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us by writing an email to epruefungen@uni-goettingen.de.