Dr. Mirjana Zavodja (ehem. Stevanov)
Telefon: |
Zimmer 2.118 Abteilung für Forst- und Naturschutzpolitik Büsgenweg 3 37077 Göttingen
- Forstliche Organisationen insb. Forstverwaltung, Kommunale Forstbetriebe, Organisationen der Ressortforschung |
- Wissenstransfer |
- Ost-Europa |
The GreenRisks4Alps Project - "Development of ecosystem-based approaches for the support of risk management activities in connection with natural hazards and climate change"
ALTERFOR- "Alternative models and robust decision-making for future forest management"
Publikationen (Auszug)
Krott, M., Stevanov, M. (2020) State Forest Organizations (SFOs). In: Who owns the forests? Forest ownership and tenure in the UNECE region (Lawrence, A. eds.), UNECE/FAO Geneva (p. 115-125). |
Báliková, K., Červená, T., De Meo, I., De Vreese, R., Deniz, T., El Mokaddem, A., Kayacan, B., Larabi, F., Libiete, Z., Lyubenova, M., Pezdevšek Malovrh, S., Potočki, K., Pelyukh, O., Rugani, B., Sarvasova, Z., Šálka, J., Stevanov, M. , M., Stojnic, S., Jarský, V., Vuletić, D., Zahvoyska, L., Paletto, A. (2020) How do stakeholders working on the forest-water nexus perceive Payments for Ecosystem Services? Forests (MDPI), 11(1), 12; |
Stevanov, M., Krott, M., Curman, M., Krajter Ostoic, S., Stojanovski, V. (2018) The (new) role of state forest institutions in Western Balkans. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Vol. 48(8): 898-912, DOI: |
Bustamante, J., Stevanov, M. , Krott, M, de Carvalho, E., (2018) Brazilian State Forest Institutions: implementation of forestry goals evaluated by the 3L Model, Land Use Policy, Vol 79: 531-546., DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.09.004 |
Krajter Ostoic, S., Konijnendijk van den Bosch, S., Vuletic, D., Stevanov, M. , Zivojinovic, I., Mutabdzija-Becirovic, S., Lazarevic, J., Stojanova, B., Blagojevic, D., Stojanovska, M., Nevenic, R., Pezdevsek Malovrh, S. (2017) Citizen satisfaction with urban forests and green space: results from selected Southeast European cities. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 23:93-103. |
Halder, P., Paladinic, E., Stevanov, M. (2017) Croatian and Serbian Private forest owners' perceptions of energy wood mobilization: Results from a survey and relevance for the future bioeconomy. Biofuels 8(4): 515-525, DOI: 10.1080/17597269.2016.1168024 |
Kevresan, D., Stevanov, M. , (2017) Urban green spaces: dendroflora in designed city parks on the example of Zrenjanin (Serbia). Topola (Poplar) 199/200, p. 21-34. (Serbisch) |
Chudy, R., Stevanov, M. , M., Krott, M. (2016) Strategic options for state forest institutions in Poland: evaluation by the 3L Model and ways ahead. International Forest Review 18(4): 387-411. |
Stevanov, M. , Dobsinska, Z., Surovy, P. (2016) Assessing survey-based research in forest science: turning lemons into lemonade? Forest Policy and Economics, 68:105-117 (DOI: 10.1016/j.forpol.2015.07.004) |
Nonić D., Petrović N., Medarević M., Glavonjić, P., Nedeljković J., Stevanov, M. , Orlović S., Rakonjac Lj., Djordjević I., Poduška Z, Nevenić R. (2015) Forest Land Ownership Change in Serbia. COST Action FP1201 - FACESMAP Country Report, European Forest Institute Central-East and South-East European Regional Office, Vienna. 64 pages [Online publication] |
Stevanov, M. , Trifunov, S., Krott, M. (2015) Evaluation and analysis of forest-policy instruments in the context of adaptive approaches to political processes: elements of relevance for the analytical framework. Topola (Poplar), 195/196: 145 – 163 (Serbisch). |
Halder P, Paladinić E, Stevanov, M. , Orlović S, Hokkanen T, Pelkonen P (2014) Energy Wood Production from Private Forests–Private Forest Owners’ Perceptions and Attitudes in Croatia and Serbia, Renewable & sustainable energy reviews 35, p. 515-526. |
Stevanov, M. , Böcher, M., Krott, M., Krajter, S., Vuletić, D., Orlović, S. (2013): The Research, Integration and Utilization (RIU) model as an analytical framework for the professionalization of departmental research organizations: Case studies of publicly funded forest research institutes in Serbia and Croatia. Forest Policy and Economics 37, Elsevier, p. 20-28 |
Stevanov, M. , Krott, M. (2013): Measuring the success of state forest institutions through the example of Serbia and Croatia. International Forestry Review, Vol. 15, Nr. 3, p. 368-386. |
Forschungsgruppe: Evaluation staatlicher Forstpolitik
Die Gruppe ist durch die Kooperation zwischen COST Action CAPABAL und der Abt. für Forst- und Naturschutzpolitik im Jahr 2015 entstanden. Ziel ist es aktuelle Evaluationen staatliche Forstverwaltungen durchzuführen, zu vergleichen und mit der Praxis zu diskutieren. Ein theorie-basierter und empirisch fundierter Vergleich der Gesamtleistungen verschiedener Forstverwaltungen wird mit Hilfe des 3L-Models (3 Level Model) und dazu gehörigen Kriterien und Indikatoren geleistet. Bisheriger Fokus lag auf den Staaten Ost-Europas. |
Wissenschaft |
Praxis |
Aktuell: |
Aktuell: |
Ameni Hasanoui, Uni Göttingen |
Dragan Matijasic, Slowenien |
Klara Balikova, TU Zvolen, Slovakei |
Kamil Vyslysel, Tschechien |
Jitka Krykorkova, CZU Prag, Tschechien |
Dušan Utinek, Tschechien |
Gal Janos, Sopron, Ungarn |
Dr. Mózes Csaba, Ungarn |
Ehemalig: |
Rafal Chudy, Polen |
Anna Liubachyna, Ukraine |
Marta Curman, Kroatien |
Publikationen (Auszug)
Krott, M., Stevanov, M. (2020) State Forest Organizations (SFOs). In: Who owns the forests? Forest ownership and tenure in the UNECE region (Lawrence, A. eds.), UNECE/FAO Geneva |
Stevanov, M. , Krott, M., Curman, M., Krajter Ostoic, S., Stojanovski, V. (2018) The (new) role of state forest institutions in Western Balkans. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Vol. 48(8): 898-912 |
Stevanov, M. , Krott, M., Matijasic, D., Krajter Ostoic, S., Curman, M., Stojanovski, V. (2017) Implementation of forest-related policies by state forest institutions from former Yugoslavian countries: state of the art and future perspectives. IUFRO Abstract Book, 125th Anniversary Congress, 18-22-09.2017, Freiburg, Germany, p.253. |
Chudy, R., Stevanov, M. , Krott, M. (2016) Strategic options for state forest institutions in Poland: evaluation by the 3L Model and ways ahead. International Forest Review 18(4): 387-411. |
Stevanov, M. , Krott, M. (2013): Measuring the success of state forest institutions through the example of Serbia and Croatia. International Forestry Review, Vol. 15, Nr. 3, Commonwealth Forestry Association, p. 368-386 |
Performance of State Forest Management Organizations
Quelle: UNECE/FAO, 2020 |