Georgia-Augusta-Dialog live Registration

The next Georgia-Augusta-Dialog live: Quality before quantity - publication strategies, "publish or perish" and the current reform of research evaluation will take place on June 27, 2024 from 5:15 to 6:45 pm

Researchers are increasingly facing challenges when it comes to selecting high-quality journals. For years, some publishers have been conspicuous for their massive focus on output (e.g. through numerous special editions) and low quality assurance in terms of content. For early career researchers in particular, publishing in such journals and publishers can be detrimental to their academic career. The reputation and individual career paths of researchers are jeopardized by publishing in so-called "predatory journals", which aim to publish as many articles as possible. The Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment is committed to the idea of a qualitative assessment of research results instead of a "publish or perish" culture that focuses on quantity. The basic idea is to avoid the inappropriate use of journal-level metrics (such as the journal impact factor) in research assessment.

As part of the Georgia August Dialogue live, there will be an introductory section by Prof. Dr. Bernhard Brümmer, Vice President for Research and Sustainability, and an open discussion section on the topics of selecting publication organs and research assessment reform.

The introductory presentation is in English. During the subsequent discussion, you can ask questions in both German and English.

The event will take place as a Zoom webinar. Please use the following link:
Georgia-Augusta-Dialog live