MARS-IE - Mixed- ReAlity ReflectionS - Implementation and Evaluation

About the Project

Our goal: Promote professional reflection skills in prospective teachers

The “Mixed-ReAlity ReflectionS - MARS-IE” project is developing a training course for reflecting on teaching based on video holograms. This training offers students the opportunity to analyze their own teaching activities using mixed-reality holograms. As part of the accompanying research, an experimental control group design will also be used to investigate the extent to which hologram reflections are inferior or superior to classic video reflections of lessons and whether additional benefits can be derived from video holograms for lesson reflections.

Our approach: Learning together and from each other - especially in teacher training!

The seminar for this project, scheduled for 2024, is a collaboration between University of Göttingen (under the supervision of Prof. Deutscher) and the University of Constance (led by JProf. Stefanie Findeisen, Mars-D). It is funded by the Foundation for Innovation in Higher Education, as a part of their open room call for proposals. This seminar also includes a study trip to Constance.The purpose of this seminar is not only to reflect on one's own teaching methods in collaboration with students from both campuses, but also to encourage learning with and from each other. Furthermore, it aims to develop a critical mindset and promote the importance of maintaining professional distance in teaching.

Project team:
  • Prof. Dr. Viola Deutscher
    Cooperation partner:
  • JProf. Dr. Stefanie Findeisen
  • Foundation for Innovation in Higher Education