INTERCONNECT – Vocational Interaction and Competence Development

About the Project

Our aim: Development of fair examination tasks and identification of success factors for competence and identity development

INTERCONNECT analyses commercial examinations in relation to questions concerning the quality of vocational training. The focus of the research activities lies in the development of valid examination tasks and research into the operational conditions that influence commercial competency development.The project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and is conducted in cooperation with the University of Duisburg-Essen.

Our approach: 3 data collection points for industrial clerks using competence-oriented examination tasks and validated instrument to measure the quality of company training as well as to record vocational identity development

To ensure the competences of commercial trainees,they are asssessed as realistically as possible and competency-oriented test taks are used. These tasks are integrated in a complete business process and require holistic thinking processes in the context of the company. A standardised tool (VET-LQI) is used to record the learning conditions in the workplace, it does not allow any conclusions about individual companies to be drawn. The developed measuring instruments not only offer the possibilty for integration into school examination practices but also can be used in the future to draw conculsions about the quality of the trainees' learning processes and open up access to support measures. The target group consists of industrial clerks who take part in the study at the beginning, during, and end of their training.

Project Team:
  • Dr. Svenja Böhn
  • Prof. Dr. Viola Deutscher
  • Maximilian Krötz
    Cooperation Partner:
  • Prof. Dr. Esther Winther, Fachgebiet berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung
  • Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft (DFG)


    • Krötz, M. und Deutscher, V. (2022). [Drop-out in dual VET: Why we should consider the drop-out direction when analysing drop-out]( _Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training_, 14, 1–26.
    • Böhn, S. und Deutscher, V. (2021). [Development and validation of a learning quality inventory for in-company training in VET (VET-LQI)]( _Vocations and Learning_, 14, 23–53.
    • Böhn, S. und Deutscher, V. (2021). [Drop-out from initial vocational education – A meta-synthesis of reasons from the apprentice\`s point of view.]( _Educational Research Review_(forthcoming).
    • Deutscher, V. (2021). [Berufliches Prüfungs­wesen: Kritik und mögliche Entwicklungs­perspektiven]( _BLV-Magazin_, 30–32.
    • Krötz, M. und Deutscher, V. (2021). [Betriebliche Ausbildungs­qualität – Eine Frage der Perspektive?]( für Erziehungs­wissenschaft : ZfE_, 24, 1453-1475.
    • Krötz, M. und Deutscher, V. (2021). [Differences in perception matter – How differences in the perception of training quality of trainees and trainers affect drop-out in VET]( _Vocations and Learning_, 14, 369–409.
    • Böhn, S. und Deutscher, V. (2019). [Betriebliche Ausbildungs­bedingungen im dualen System – Eine qualitative Meta-Analyse zur Operationalisierung in Auszubildendenbefragungen]( _Zeitschrift für pädagogische Psychologie : ZfPP_, 33, 49–70.