Ascha Ahmed, M.Sc.

Ascha Ahmed completed her Bachelor's and Master's degree in Business Education with a minor in English at the University of Mannheim. During her studies, she worked as a tutor at the Chair of Vocational Teaching and Learning at the University of Mannheim as well as a working student in the HR department of a pharmaceutical company. Since January 2021, Ascha Ahmed has been working as a research assistant at the Chair of Competence Development and Training Quality at the University of Mannheim. In October 2021, she also began her doctorate in cooperation with the IT company SAP. As part of her doctorate, she is conducting research in the areas of workplace learning and collaborative learning in virtual/hybrid settings.

Presentations at conferences:

  • Ahmed, A. und Deutscher, V. (2023). Ensuring the quality of virtual or hybrid collaboration: A systematic review. AERA 2023, Annual Meeting American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IL.
  • Ahmed, A. und Deutscher, V. (2023). Same same, but different – What it takes to successfully collaborate in digital environments. GEBF-Tagung 2023, 10. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungs¬forschung „Bildung zwischen Unsicherheit und Evidenz“, Essen, Germany.
  • Ahmed, A. und Deutscher, V. (2023). Unveiling the success factors of virtual and hybrid teams: A systematic review and quality framework for virtual and hybrid team performance.. EARLI 2023, 20th Biennial EARLI Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Ahmed, A., Gentner, S., Aprea, C., Deutscher, V., Rausch, A., Seifried, J. und Vogler, M. (2023). Unterrichtsplanung mit der virtuellen Bürosimulation LUCA – Ein möglicher Ansatz zur Förderung des Einsatzes automatisierter Lernprompts im berufsschulischen Unterricht? Jahrestagung 2023 der Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschafts-pädagogik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungs¬wissenschaft (DGfE), Flensburg, Germany.
  • Ahmed, A., Ludwig, S., Vogler, M., Lörch, L., Aprea, C. und Deutscher, V. (2023). Unterrichtsplanung mit virtuellen Lernsimulationen – Ein sinnvoller Ansatz zur Förderung des Einsatzes automatisierter Lernprompts durch angehende Lehr¬kräfte?GEBF-Tagung 2023, 10. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungs¬forschung „Bildung zwischen Unsicherheit und Evidenz“, Essen, Germany.
  • Ahmed, A. und Deutscher, V. (2022). Physically distant, digitally close: What it takes to successfully collaborate after COVID. EARLI SIG 14 Conference 2022, Learning and Professional Development, Paderborn, Germany.