
The application for a bachelor or a master thesis at the Chair of Smart Services is possible at all times. Capacities are usually scarce and require planning, so we suggest applying well in advance. We accept applications up to 3 months before a preferred starting date.
To apply, please write the respective supervisor an email. If you do not have a specific supervisor in mind, please write an email to (Noy Gefter).
Please include the following content in the application via email:
  • full name, matriculation number, student mail address, preferred start and end date, current transcript of records, a short CV, preferred topics and/or methods, and reference to potential supervisors at the chair.
Use the following sentence in your email as a reference: Bewerbung Abschlussarbeit - (Your Topic). More information on the formalities of the thesis contents and examination can be found below.
Duration 12 weeks
Written examination requirements ~30 pages
Credits 12 ECTS
Prerequisite modules 90 ECTS, all B.WIWI-OPH modules and mandatory seminar
Courses of Study Wirtschaftsinformatik B.Sc.
Betriebswirtschaftslehre B.Sc.
Others upon request
Language German or English (recommended)
Examination written thesis only
Application dates Any time
Duration 20 weeks
Written examination requirements ~60 pages
Credits 30 ECTS
Prerequisite modules None, preferably already finished master seminar (12 ECTS) and project studies (18 ECTS) modules
Courses of Study Wirtschaftsinformatik M.Sc.
Management M.Sc.
Applied Statistics M.Sc.
Others upon request
Language German or English (recommended)
Examination Written master thesis, interim and final presentation
Application dates Any time

If you wonder what doing a PhD might be like, simply ask us for a casual conversation.

In the following, you will find open topics particularly interesting to our current research. Scope, methodology, and content will be adjusted as necessary for each type of thesis to current demands and the student's motivations. Click on each topic below for more detailed information.