Marten Samulowitz


College / University

State Academy Riesa

Highest Degree

Bachelor of Science

Major Subject




Lab Experience

Cell culture, tissue engineering, microfluidics, antibody staining, confocal microscopy, ToF-SIMS

Projects / Research

  • Recapitulation of angiogenesis in synthetic hydrogels with microfluidic and high-throughput techniques.
  • Development of a quantitative analysis method for detecting trace amounts of proteins in protein mixtures using ToF-SIMS.
  • Scholarships / Awards

    2024 – 2025: Stipend by the International Max Planck Research School


    My main interest in biological neuroscience is psychopharmacology, specifically how brain chemistry correlates with depression and other mental diseases, as well as synaptic plasticity. Regarding the more theoretical and computational aspects of neuroscience, I am particularly fascinated by the self-organization of the brain and the neural circuitry underlying perception and empirical inference. I am also very interested in the philosophical side of neuroscience, including how thoughts arise and mental abstractions are formed, how language has evolved, and what the emergence of consciousness in living beings can tell us about consciousness in AI systems.