Schmalenbach Prize 2024 for best doctoral thesis

Dr. Tobias Blay, post-doctoral researcher at the Chair of Human Resources Management and Asian Business at the Faculty of Business and Economics at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, has been awarded the prestigious Schmalenbach Prize 2024 for his doctoral thesis “Navigating the Future of Work: New Perspectives on Virtual Collaboration”. The work was supervised by Prof. Dr. Dr. Fabian J. Froese.

The Schmalenbach Foundation, part of the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., awards the Schmalenbach Prize annually to outstanding dissertations. The award-winning theses must be relevant to practice as well as theoretically or empirically sound and contribute to the further development of business administration in terms of business practice. The prize, which is endowed with 10,000 euros and is based on the life's work of Eugen Schmalenbach - one of the founders of academic business administration - is one of the most prestigious awards in German business administration.

Tobias Blay examines the behaviour of individuals in an increasingly digitalized world of work at the interface of HR management and organizational behaviour. The dissertation sheds light on the motives and prerequisites of virtual work in order to better understand its effects on employees and companies. It provides insights that are important for both academic research and business practice.

The awarding of the Schmalenbach Prize to Tobias Blay underlines the quality of business administration research at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and recognizes the scientific ideas developed at our faculty.

Three men are standing next to each other in front of a bookshelf. The man in the middle is holding a certificate in his hands.


Dr. Tobias Blay

Chair of Human Resources Management and Asian Business