Abschlussarbeiten (Master & Bachelor)
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Aktuell sind keine Bachelorarbeiten ausgeschrieben.
Scientific knowledge transfer for a hazard-resilient and sustainable protective forest management in the Alpine Space countries
First master thesis: Case study France
Second master thesis: Case study Italy
Climate change is undeniably responsible for the increase in climate-related disasters affecting Alpine communities. These phenomena are often the result of compound events, a combination of multiple climate-related hazards that contribute to socio-ecological risks.

The MOSAIC project, co-funded by the European Union within the Interreg Alpine Space Program, focuses on hazard-resilient and sustainable protective forest management in five European countries. To support regional and Alpine climate action plans, the project aims to collect, harmonize and share data, models on Alpine climate-related disasters and trends.
As a project partner, the Department of Forest and Nature Conservation Policy is working to increase the scientific knowledge transfer of project results into praxis by identifying so-called “integration forums”. These are formal or informal settings where practitioners and/or political actors meet to exchange science-based information, e.g. in the form of round tables, advisory boards or expert rounds. In order to enable a targeted knowledge transfer by selecting the most suitable integration forums, it is necessary to analyze and identify powerful and interested actors within the respective forums.
To support the project work, the Department of Forest and Nature Conservation Policy offers two Master´ theses for the case study countries France and Italy.
As the research work involves analyzing written documents and possibly conducting expert interviews, a good knowledge of the respective national languages (French or Italian) is required.
If you are interested or have any questions, please contact us, we look forward to hearing from
Contact persons:
Tabea Schaefers, M.Sc. (tabea.schaefers@uni-goettingen.de),
Dr. Michael Kirchner (michael.kirchner@uni-goettingen.de)