TRANSFORM: Innovating crop rotations for climate-resilient agriculture

The acceleration of climate change could have catastrophic impacts on agriculture. Extreme and unpredictable weather conditions will affect the performance and profitability of crops. TRANS-FORM will contribute to making agriculture more climate-resilient and help reach the goals of the EU Mission: Adaptation to Climate Change. TRANSFORM will use innovative tools and techniques to introduce new crops and crop sequences, better equipping farms to withstand changing weather patterns. Improving the resilience and sus-tainability of farming means ensuring a steady and healthy food supply, supporting society in facing future climate challenges and contributing to food security in Europe. The effects of climate change can be very local, so solutions must be based on regional require-ments and must also be acceptable to the local population. Therefore, TRANSFORM will work with farmers, industry, policy-makers, NGOs and the general public to set out regional roadmaps for crop rotations. These will be validated and demonstrated in 8 regions in Europe during the project. TRANSFORM will use a new, online tool - the Future Rotations Explorer - which explores crop per-formance and crop sequences under climate change. Simulation modelling will be also used to pre-dict the likely economic, social and environmental impacts of the new rotations. Visualizations (3D, gamification) will allow a better understanding of these effects on a local level. The objective is to identify the best scenarios or tools, from a scientific or technological standpoint, that allow agriculture to adapt to the climate crisis. Therefore, they need to be perceived as useful and adopted by farmers and other stakeholders. For the multi-actor approach adopted in TRANS-FORM, it is therefore crucial to understand and thereby co-create good starting conditions that facilitate adoption in all regions. The Georg-August-University of Goettingen participates in:

  • establishing the status quo for regional roadmaps for adaptation to climate change in agriculture in the regions the project focuses on;

  • determining whether the generic TRANSFORM roadmaps are appropriate for specific regions;

  • evaluating whether the TRANSFORM pipeline methods such as software solutions for innovating rotations are appropriate to the needs of the regions;

  • investigating whether the TRANSFORM approach accelerates innovation (and potential for adoption) in replication regions.

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Project partners: 2

Project Duration: Begin: 01.07.2024 | End: 01.07.2029
UK Research and Innovation – Horizon Europe funding grant 101266ee European Union – Horizon Europe grant agreement No. 101155748