Exciting insights into the world of business start-ups and the experience of virtual reality await Girls'Day participants on 3 April 2025 at the Faculty of Business and Economics. How are companies founded? What business ideas have women already used to start their own business and what creative methods can I use to find ideas for new challenges? Girls from the age of 13 will tackle questions like these in the workshop "From problem to innovative solution": Discover the world of entrepreneurship" (Vom Problem zur innovativen Lösung: Entdecke die Welt der Unternehmensgründung!) at the Chair of Value Chain Management (Prof. Dr. Matthias Schulz). At the Chair of Information Management (Prof. Dr. Lutz M. Kolbe), girls aged 12 and over can try out digital applications and immerse themselves in virtual worlds with VR goggles in the workshop “Dive into the fascinating world of digitalization and virtual reality!" (Tauche ein in die faszinierende Welt der Digitalisierung und Virtual Reality!). They can also play "serious games", i.e. get to know a playful way of learning that relies on digital applications to impart knowledge and skills. Detailed information: Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of digitalisation and virtual reality!
Start-ups and virtual reality
Faculty offers for Girls'Day 2025