Welcome to the division of Quality of Animal Products!

The production of animal products is caught between resource economics and sustainability in the face of a rapidly growing world population, rising consumer expectations, legal requirements and changing eating habits.
The resulting conflicting goals require a knowledge-based, objective basis for discussion in order to arrive at viable, socially acceptable solutions.
Derived from this, the research fields of the professorship aim to expand the scientific basis for the production of animal foods, to identify incompatibilities between the various objectives and to establish possibilities for sustainable, consumer- and production-oriented production processes.
A comprehensive understanding of the endogenous and exogenous influences on quality formation is just as essential as knowledge of consumer preferences and factors influencing consumer perception.
The professorship therefore works at the interface of scientific methods for the objective characterization of product properties and sensory methods for measuring product perception/acceptance.

Main research areas

  • Use of alternative protein sources in animal nutrition
  • Dual use in chickens
  • Alternatives to castration of piglets without anesthesia
  • Methods for instrumental quality assessment
  • Quantitative modeling of quality characteristics
  • Consumer behavior and consumer acceptance
  • Sensory perception
  • Biomarkers for quality

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Department für Nutztierwissenschaften
Kellnerweg 6
D- 37077 Göttingen

Ms. A. Vogelpohl
Tel.: +49 (0)551 39-25611
Room: 1.123