
A literary anthology, edited by students of Comparative Literature

--- Deadline extended until the 1st of July ---

It is springtime, everything is growing: Grasses, bushes, meadows and fields are growing. Lambs and calves are growing, chicks are hatching and growing. We too are growing: growing up, becoming grown-ups, perhaps not quite feeling grown-up. We are growing emotionally within our growing friendships and enmities. Skin regrows over healed wounds and hair grows longer.

This “growth” is set to be the theme of a collection of texts we are planning to publish. “We” are students in the Comparative Literature master’s degree and the texts will be written and submitted by you.
Possible genres are prose, poetry, narrative non-fiction/essay writing and drama. Please do not hand in academic texts or term papers.

Your submissions cannot have been published previously and should not exceed 5000 characters (including spaces). Please submit only one text per person.

You can write in German or English or in any other language. However, if you do write in a language other than German or English, please submit a German or English translation to be published along with it.
All texts should be submitted as .rtf, .doc, or .odt. Not as a PDF, please!

We are also happy to include any kind of pictures – photographs, drawings, paintings, digital artwork etc. – related to the same topic. These should be sent in as .jpg with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Please submit only one picture. (You can, however, submit both a text and a picture).

All students, lecturers and employees at the university are welcome to hand something in. Please send your texts and pictures via your university e-mail (i.e. the one ending with @[...] This way we are able to check that you are affiliated with the university and we receive your official name. Please let us know if you prefer your submission to be published anonymously or under a different name. A short biography is not required.

Your name and the title of your work should feature in the name of the file you submit. By handing in your submissions you consent to them being published by us in print and digitally.

Please note that submissions including defamatory or insulting content will not be considered for publication.

Please send your texts and/or pictures to by 01.07.2024. Subsequently, we will make a selection and get back to you within a few weeks. The anthology is set to be published at the beginning of next year at the latest. Whether – apart from a digital publication – a print edition is going to be possible, remains to be seen.