During our Master's programme, you will learn to promote independent thinking and action in an economic context through innovative teaching-learning arrangements instead of just accumulating inert knowledge. With your degree, you can teach at vocational schools, vocational colleges, specialised secondary schools and specialised grammar schools, work in education management in the public sector or deal with further education, personnel development and recruiting in companies.

Master of Education in Business and Human Resource Education


Summer and winter semester


4 semesters


120 Credits


Limited admission (application to the faculty)




How can we design lessons at vocational schools in such a way that they prepare pupils realistically for everyday working life? What competences do young professionals need so that they are trained for the future? Building on the skills you acquired in the Bachelor’s degree programme in Business and Human Resource Education, our master's programme deepens your professional competences as a future teacher in the areas of business administration, business didactics and pedagogy. You will immediately apply your knowledge and skills in practice: For example, in subject didactics you develop learning tasks and learning settings that you test at vocational schools. During a five-week internship at a vocational school, you will gain your own teaching and school experience. The Master's degree opens up a variety of career paths for you. On the one hand, you can opt for the public sector and teach commercial content at vocational schools and specialised grammar schools or work in education management in public institutions. Since you also take a second teaching subject, you fulfil the formal requirements for civil service. On the other hand, you can work in further education and recruiting in the private sector.

  • Business and economics

    This segment gives you a solid understanding of fundamental economic principles, theories and models. To do this, you take two elective modules from the areas of finance, accounting and taxes, marketing and e-business or management, and three freely selectable modules from the areas of business, economics, quantitative methods and business information systems.

    30 Credits

  • Second subject

    As part of your human and business resource education studies, you choose an additional subject that you will teach during your employment at a vocational school. You have the possibility to choose from the following subjects:

    • German

    • English

    • Protestant Religion

    • French

    • Computer Science

    • Mathematics

    • Spanish

    • Sport

    • Political Science

    Note on the Ordinance on Master's Degrees for Teaching Departments in Lower Saxony:
    If one of the languages English, French or Spanish is studied as a second subject, then according to § 8 of the Ordinance on Master's Degrees for Teaching Positions in Lower Saxony (Nds. MasterVO-Lehr), a three-month study-relevant stay abroad in a country in which the chosen language is an official language is required. The stay abroad can be completed during the Bachelor's or Master's programme.

    The Nds. MasterVO-Lehr further stipulates that practical work experience must be proven by completed vocational training or subject-related internships. The subject-related internships must comprise a total of at least 52 weeks, while the individual internship must have a duration of at least 4 weeks.

    34 Credits

  • Human and business resource education

    In the human and business resource education modules, you will deepen your practical and theoretical knowledge in the areas of vocational education, diagnostics, didactics and teaching research. In the area of pedagogical-psychological diagnostics, you will develop the basics for assessing individual learning requirements, progressions and performance. The topic of education policy is not neglected either: You will get to know the players in vocational education and training, their interests and positions and the control instruments they use. You will reflect on the challenges of vocational education and training in securing competitiveness, social cohesion and sustainability. But above all, you will further develop your subject didactic competences in order to implement complex (digital) teaching-learning arrangements (e.g. business games, serious games, virtual/augmented reality) in commercial training processes effectively and in a way that promotes learning. The independent identification of problems and development of solutions as well as collaborative and interdisciplinary teaching are important reference points in the Master's programme. For example, you independently plan a three-day business game competition that you conduct for school classes with the business simulation Topsim on business start-ups. An important milestone in your business didactics training is the five-week school internship. Here you will get to know the practical side of teaching in depth, including the preparation and follow-up of individual lessons and connected teaching units and everyday school life.

    33 Credits

  • Master’s thesis

    At the end of your Master's programme is your Master's thesis, in which you bring together all the skills you have learned. Writing your thesis strengthens your ability to conduct human and business resource education research independently. You will deepen scientific methods and techniques to choose an appropriate research design, critically question information, analyse different points of view, validate and interpret your research findings and draw reasoned conclusions. Last but not least, you develop your ability to present your own ideas and arguments and support them on the basis of evidence.

    23 Credits

  • Study plan and additional links


  • Career relevance

  • Career planning

  • Critical skills

  • Interdisciplinary approach

We are in constant exchange with vocational schools, study seminars, educational administration and companies in order to bring you closer to practice during your studies. Through guest lectures, excursions and events with representatives of vocational education and training practice, you will gain insights into everyday working life, learn about situations from practice and reflect on these in a theory-based way with us and the practice partners. Our excellent networking with vocational schools - especially in Lower Saxony - makes it easier for you to find an internship and gives you initial contacts for your later career.

A student wears virtual reality goggles and holds two controllers in his hands.

The polyvalent orientation of our Master's programme opens up a variety of career paths for you. The degree enables you to work at state vocational schools or in education management in public administration, for example the ministries of education or school boards. However, you can also work in the business world - for example, in human resources development in companies or with independent educational providers and private educational institutions.

A student walks up a staircase in the stairwell of the learning and study building.

Specialised knowledge is not enough to be successful as a teacher at a vocational school or in business. Our degree programmes therefore provide you with the skills you need: For example, basic vocational education knowledge to be able to reflect on and evaluate experiences in the classroom, didactic skills such as the comprehensible preparation and communication of complex content or giving constructive feedback. But you also need analytical skills to be able to critically examine current developments in the vocational training system.

Two female students are standing in the library looking at a book. One of the two students points to a particular passage in the book.

Through the interdisciplinary combination of business and economics, pedagogy as well as another freely selectable teaching subject, our Master's programme integrates different subject perspectives. In this way, you learn to integrate information and findings from different disciplines in order to look at issues from an economic, pedagogical and educational policy perspective. This enables you to gain a holistic understanding of the issues and promotes an interdisciplinary approach that will help you in your day-to-day professional practice.

A group of six students, four men and two women, sit in a circle of chairs and discuss animatedly.


  • Portrait photo of Boris Scheffer. He is wearing a black jacket and a yellow shirt with tie.

    “Before studying humand and business resource education, I completed a bank apprenticeship. The dual training as a bank clerk awakened my interest in teaching at a commercial vocational school, which was the basis for choosing my degree programme. During my studies, it was important for me to always keep in touch with practice so that I could later benefit from the broadest possible pool of practical experience in everyday teaching.“

    Boris Scheffer,

    teacher at the Obersberg Model School, Bad Hersfeld, Germany

  • Portrait photo of Daniel Bartels. He is wearing a blue polo shirt.

    “I was already tutoring from time to time during my school years, which eventually led me to the business and human resource education degree programme and my career aspiration of becoming a teacher. I started my Studying with a Fachhochschulreife. I chose computer science as my second subject because I believe that digital skills are becoming more and more relevant in vocational school itself, but also in the working world.“

    Daniel Bartels,

    Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Business and Human Resource Education

How to apply

How to apply

Three simple steps to apply to the faculty

  • 1.

    Fully fill out the online application form during the application period and send it to us via the send button at the end of the form.

  • 2.

    You will receive login-data in order to be able to access the upload portal via email. Go through the attached checklist and upload all necessary documents.

  • 3.

    You will receive a reply via email approximately six weeks after the application deadline.

Apply now!

We accompany you through your studies<

Your teaching team (selection)

  • Portrait photo of Susan Seeber. She is wearing a brown dress.
    Business Education and Human Resource Development
    Prof. Dr. Susan Seeber

    “The vocational education and training system is highly exciting, complex and very dynamic: digitalisation, sustainability, migration movements - what are the resulting requirements for vocational education and training and how do we deal with them? I am happy when I see students developing a critical view of how they deal with issues of teaching vocational skills to prospective business people and with supporting open-minded young people.“

  • Portrait photo of Viola Deutscher
    Business Education and Digital Vocational Learning
    Prof. Dr. Viola Deutscher

    "Good teaching is adaptive and interactive. If you want to teach a topic successfully, you adapt the learning paths to the needs and interests of the learners and let them do as much as possible themselves."

  • Portrait photo of Maik Hammerschmidt. He wears a red and white striped shirt.
    Marketing und Innovation Management
    Prof. Dr. Maik Hammerschmidt

    “I consider myself an edutainer because first-class teaching these days goes far beyond just imparting knowledge and should also be fun."

  • Portrait photo of Lutz Kolbe. He wears a dark grey jacket and a light grey shirt.
    Information Management
    Prof. Dr. Lutz M. Kolbe

    "I am satisfied when students develop an understanding of the basic principles of business information systems and business administration - happy when they sharpen their critical analysis skills, and excited when we experience the application of knowledge in business practice and projects together!"

  • Portrait photo of Fabian Froese. He wears a dark blue jacket and a white shirt.
    Human Resources Management and Asian Business
    Prof. Dr. Dr. Fabian J. Froese

    “Enjoy your studies in Göttingen! As a university with a wide range of degree programmes, there are many options to choose from. What about a semester abroad at one of our numerous partner universities?“

Do you have any questions?

Are you wondering whether a study programme at the Faculty of Business and Economics is right for you or do you have questions about the course of studies, placement in a higher semester or recognition of academic achievements? During our office hours, we advise you on site at the Oeconomicum, digitally via BBB and by telephone without prior registration.

Student Advisory Office

+49 551 39-28800

Oeconomicum, 1st floor, Room 1.135

Portrait photo of the student advisory service. From left: Dorothee Konings wears a turquoise blouse, Dennie Oertel wears a dark blue checked jacket and a white shirt and Anja Schöfer wears a black blazer and a white blouse.