Systematic theology

Sa periodicals, series, collected editions

1-100 periodicals
101-700 series, collected editions
701 ff. bibliographical supporting material

Sb major systematic theologians, with secondary literature (chronological starting with Orthodoxie)

Sc-Sl Dogmatic

Sc complete overviews

Sd lay dogmatic

Se theory of principles, hermeneutics

Sf doctrine of God, and doctrine of creation

Sg anthropology

Sh soteriology

Si pneumatology

Sk ecclesiology

1-500 sacraments
501-900 church
901 ff. confessions

Sl history, eschatology

1-500 history
501 ff. eschatology

Sq Philosophy of religion

1-800 Philosophy of religion
801-1100 Theology and philosophy
1101-1400 Theology and natural sciences
1401-1600 The essence of Christianity
1601-1900 Critic of Christianity
1901 ff. Secularization

Sr General monographs to the systematic theology