Teaser: New publications: Contributions by Eva Bahl and Arne Worm as part of the HSR special issue "Doing Global Sociology: Qualitative Methods and Biographical Becoming after the Postcolonial Critiqu
A special issue on "Doing Global Sociology: Qualitative Methods and Biographical Becoming after the Postcolonial Critique" has been published in the journal "Historical Social Research" (2024, 48, 4). The volume, edited by Johannes Becker (ZMO Berlin) and Marian Burchardt (University of Leipzig), brings together contributions that deal with methodological questions on the connection between "global sociology", postcolonial critique and qualitative research (or in particular biographically approaches). From IMMS, Eva Bahl contributed a paper on "Processes of South-South Migration in Their Historical Context: Biographical Case Studies from Brazil and China" (together with Yvonne Berger, TH Rosenheim) and Arne Worm with the article Migrantised Biographies. Reconstructing Life-Stories and Life-Histories as a Reflexive Approach in Migration Research".