Venue and Travel

The 51st German Liquid Crystal Conference will be held on the Faßberg-campus of the Max-Planck-Institute of Göttingen.

Max-Plank-Institute of Göttingen
Am Faßberg 11
37077 Göttingen

Max-Plank-Insitut Göttingen - Manfred-Eigen-hall
by car
Highway A7, exit Göttingen-Nord (72) → B27 directtion
Braunlage/Duderstadt → Am Faßberg

Buses 21 and 23 depart from bus platform D at the station forecourt. The bus stop is "Faßberg". The journey takes 17 minutes:

  • Bus line 21 to "Uni-Nord" or
  • 23 to "Nikolausberg"

Schedule information
Göttingen, a vibrant university town in southern Lower Saxony, is known for its rich academic tradition and diverse cultural scene. The Georg-August University significantly shapes the cityscape and attracts numerous students with its renowned educational and research activities. In addition to the university, two other colleges enrich the intellectual life. The city's history dates back to the Middle Ages when the market town of Gotingen was granted city rights around 1230. Today, Göttingen is a bustling city and an important hub in Lower Saxony. Its picturesque location on the River Leine and proximity to the European Metropolitan Region of Hannover-Braunschweig-Göttingen-Wolfsburg add to its charm. In 2020, Göttingen had around 131,436 inhabitants, most of whom have their primary residence in the city.

City Göttingen - Tourist information