Einladen externer Gäste


    Guests can be invited to give special talks, to participate in the ring lecture or even stay up to a week to interact with the students or to prepare joint events (blind challenges, joint benchmark databases). If you would like to invite a guest for the ring lecture or for longer than 2-3 days please contact the RTG coordinator first. You might be unfamiliar with the process, so to help you with the task we prepared below a FAQ for you. Please read it before contacting your guest.

    • For how many days should I invite the guest?

      The guests are, in the rule, invited for 2-3 days and give a talk within the Physical or Inorganic Chemistry Colloquia (PC- or AC-Kolloquium). However, the stay can be longer (e.g., one week) or even shorter (one day), depending on the availability of the speaker and what is planned while he is in Göttingen. Just be sure to reserve one time slot or a meal for a discussion with the RTG students in general.

    • When should the guest come?

      When you look for suitable dates to invite a guest speaker, please check the timesheets on the BENCh-website at SEMINAR TALKS (right column). This gives you an idea which dates are still available. AC-Colloquia take place on Tuesdays and PC-Colloquia on Thursdays. Please make sure that the topic of the given talk fits accordingly. If you have problems finding a suitable date, please contact the RTG coordinator, exceptions can be made.

    • What should I do once I found a suitable date?

      In case you found a date, ask for the title of the talk and inform the RTG coordinator before you fix the date with the invited guest. The dates have to be double checked with the person responsible for coordinating the colloquia. Once the dates have been checked, the RTG office will send an official invitation letter. You can then together with the RTG coordinator plan for the stay (discussion slots, meals, etc…)

    • My guest asked me what the talk should be about. What do I tell him/her?

      Benchmarking, of course, should be one of the components in the talk. We usually advise to reserve part of the presentation to specific challenges or breakthroughs in this respect that the speaker experienced recently or throughout his/her career. Also, they will be asked to spend a few minutes on their personal experience with a case of good or bad scientific practice in their field of Research. Otherwise, there is a lot of freedom in the topic chosen.

    • Where is my guest staying?/Will the accommodation and travel expenses be covered by the RTG?

      The guest will be informed about accommodation arrangements as well as reimbursement in the official invitation letter. In order to receive full reimbursement for his/her accommodation and travel expenses they have to follow specific rules. Accommodation will be booked by the RTG office if wished for.

    • Can I invite my guest to the restaurant and will the costs be reimbursed by the RTG?

      You can invite your guest for one dinner during his/her stay. The RTG will cover the costs for the guest and the host (PhD student), maximum 35 € per person. For the reimbursement, the restaurant receipt is needed.

    In case you have further questions or if you need help with the organization, please feel free to contact the Martina Plaettner (administrative coordinator).

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