Workshop entfällt! Good scientific practice - responsible research during the PhD (bilingualer Workshop) (GSGG/Ombudsstelle)
Trainer: Dr. Katharina Beier/Dr. Sabine Heerwart
Datum: Dienstag, 8. November 2022, 9:00-13:30 Uhr
Ort: Konferenzraum der GSGG, Friedländer Weg 2
Zielgruppe: Promovierende von Anfangs- bis Abschlussphase
max. 12 Teilnehmer*innen
Anmeldung hier
Veranstalterin: GSGG
Scientific work and research are based on norms and principles that have been defined and laid down at the latest in the DFG's memorandum on safeguarding good scientific practice (1st edition 1997). As doctoral student and member of the scientific community have committed yourself, not least in your supervision agreement, to adhering to these values and principles.
Both prominent cases and everyday research life show that violations of these rules occur time and again. These are not always to be evaluated as clear scientific misconduct: Between "unclean" work, questionable behavior and clear misconduct, there are also many pitfalls for PhD students.
The aim of this short bilingual workshop is to give you an insight into the extensive topic of good scientific practice. You will get to know the rules, so that you can better assess critical situations at an early stage and prevent (unintentional) misconduct. The focus is on everyday research in the humanities and social sciences, but we will also take a look beyond the disciplinary and national horizons.