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Hilbert-Bernays Online Summer School on Logic and Computation 2020

Title of the event Hilbert-Bernays Online Summer School on Logic and Computation 2020
Series Hilbert-Bernays Summer Schools on Logic and Computation
Organizer Study office mathematics
Type of event Workshop
Category Campus Leben
Registration required Ja
Details The Mathematical Institute of the University of Göttingen in cooperation with the Departamento de Matemática of the Universitade Nova de Lisboa host the Hilbert-Bernays Online Summer School on Logic and Computation 2020. This interdisciplinary summer school conveys insight into current research topics in the areas of logics and computability. The scientific program consists of mini courses (with lectures, exercises and projects). English is the teaching language. The summer school is addressed at students of mathematics, philosophy, computer science and other subjects related to mathematics with basic knowledge in logics. Preference will be given to undergraduate students in their final year and graduate students.
Date Start: 12.10.2020, 00:00 Uhr
Ende: 12.10.2020 , 23:59 Uhr
Location Online
Contact Hartje Kriete
External link