Advertising and promotion on campus
Does your company strive to attract attention on campus and catch the students eyes, or are you specifically searching for that up-and-coming talent? Well, our offers can provide you with a myriad of possibilities on how to achieve that goal. We have compiled numerous basic offers, which, thanks to their flexibility, can be extended after personal interaction between you and us. We will happily answer any further questions you may have.

Stellenwerk helps companies to fill open positions with talented and dedicated professionals: With 3.5 million page views per month, the Stellenwerk portals are extremely well received by the students of the participating universities. Employees of the university and private individuals can also use Stellenwerk. For them, the publication of jobs is free of charge.
With its own unique design, your company can showcase itself in its own booth on campus. Companies are allowed up to 5 company representatives at the booth to talk to students and hand out information leaflets. Upon agreement, you can also offer services to students (for example, job application folder checks).
Upon request, we will gladly provide you with tables, chairs, electricity and Internet access. You can also send us your documents and material via post beforehand - please do let us know before sending any documents. We can only accept dispatches after advanced notice.
Please contact us so that we can tailor our offer to fit your needs.
Aiming at a specific target audience? Then a promo event is just what you need!
Draw attention to yourselves with the help of colourful, eye-catching or fun promotional campaigns. Feel free to hand out samples of your products, too (please comply with the regulations; e.g. no distribution of alcoholic beverages).
We will be happy to provide you with tables, chairs, Internet access and rubbish bins.
Total price for 3 hours 400 | € 400 |
Each additional hour | € 120 | Total price for entire day | € 840 |
Should additional cleaning costs accrue, an extra fee will be charged for cleaning.
Joining your company-Lecture (in auditorium) or workshop (in a suitable space)
What does the company have to offer? How do I get there? Is this the right employer for me? All of these questions can be answered during your presentation. What's more, you can lay down a variety of different career paths and give the students a closer understanding of your specific company philosophy. You can also combine an offering of exciting workshops with group training sessions.
The University will rent out a suitable event room for you, where you will have access to all of the available equipment (e.g. projector, laptop, microphones, flip charts etc.). We also can provide catering for coffee breaks with snacks and beverages.
Total price of lecture | € 400 |
Total price of workshop | € 500 |
Coffee breaks and snacks | Based on expenditure |
If you want us to specifically promote the event in advance, we will gladly put together an individual offer for you.
So, you want the students not only to hear about your company, but also to be able to get their own impression of it first hand? Then invite your students on a company tour and make it a memorable day for everyone.
Please provide us with your location and the maximum number of participants on which to base our offer.