Hybrider Platform-Workshop „Facets of Platform Regulation“ im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts "Intermediaries between market and organization"
Title of the event | Hybrider Platform-Workshop „Facets of Platform Regulation“ im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts "Intermediaries between market and organization" |
Organizer | Prof. Dr. Bueren, Prof. Dr. Krause, Prof. Dr. Spindler, Prof. Dr. Wiebe |
Speaker | Vielzahl nationaler und internationaler Experten*innen (Professor*innen, Richter des BVerfG a.D., Mitglieder der Europäischen Kommission, des U.S. Department of Justice, des Europäischen Gewerkschaftsinstituts sowie der Google Deutschland GmbH) |
Type of event | Workshop |
Category | Forschung |
Registration required | Ja |
Details | On September 25, 2023, a hybrid workshop on "Facets of Platform Regulation" will be held at the Historical Observatory at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Bueren, Prof. Dr. Krause and Prof. Dr. Wiebe, LL.M. (Virginia). The internationally staffed workshop aims to provide an academic platform to discuss the various platform-related legislative initiatives and legal acts of the European Union as well as to identify possibly existing potential for improvement, also with regard to the necessary coherence of the individual legal acts. To this end, the different facets of platform regulation will be examined from the four perspectives of antitrust, labor, information and communications, and data law, each within the framework of a separate panel. The panels include representatives from universities in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain and Italy as well as from the European Commission, the U.S. Department of Justice, the European Trade Union Institute and Google Deutschland GmbH. The introductory keynote will be held by Prof. Dr. Andreas Paulus. |
Date | Start: 25.09.2023, 08:30 Uhr Ende: 25.09.2023 , 19:00 Uhr |
Location | Historische Sternwarte (Geismar Landstraße 11) |
Contact |
Fabian Gessat |
External link | |
File attachment | Workshop Programm.pdf |