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The Agenda for the future

Title of the event The Agenda for the future
Series Discussing the Future of the European Union with Rainer Wieland, Vice President, European Parliament
Organizer EMJMD Euroculture - Society, Politics and Culture in a Global Context
Speaker Rainer Wieland, MEP
Speaker institution Europäisches Parlament, Brüssel/Strasbourg
Type of event Podiumsdiskussion
Category Forschung
Registration required Ja
Details Input by
o Dr. Steffen Bay Rasmussen and Dr. Eric Pardo — Lecturer, International Relations — Director of Studies EMJMD Euroculture, University of Deusto
o Laura de Boer — Euroculture student, Uppsala/Groningen
o Dr. Sabine Selchow — Senior Research Fellow, European University Institute (EUI) , Florence

Chaired by Franco Burgio (Project Officer, European Commission, European Education and Culture Executive Agency) and Dr. Lars Klein (Senior Lecturer, EMJMD Euroculture, University of Göttingen)

The European Commission has started a range of new programmes in order to tackle challenges such as climate change, digitalization, security in the widest sense with ‘strategic autonomy’ as new buzzword.
The War in Ukraine has the further potential to provide for real paradigm shifts. It opens a range of questions that will be discussed in this second session: What will happen with the “Fit for 55” programme? How will it change transportation in the EU? How do the member states want to provide for their energy security? How do they see the role of the EU in terms of Foreign and Security Policy? Does the EU update rules for ‘good governance’ for energy supplies as well? Should the Ukraine be ‘fast-tracked’ to become candidate and potential new member state? If so, does it change the rules of the EU?
Date Start: 15.12.2022, 15:30 Uhr
Ende: 15.12.2022 , 17:00 Uhr
Location Anderer Ort / Other Location
Via Zoom
Contact 39-27822
External link
File attachment Plakat Future of Europe.pdf