Contact Details Collection
The current Lower Saxony coronavirus regulations, article 4(2), authorises us to record your contact details and the period of time that you are in this room. For this, we use the software “Darf ich rein?" (May I come in?). DarfIchRein is a contact tracking service to record your presence in buildings and rooms of the University of Göttingen. Appropriate QR codes are posted in several places in the rooms; the participants simply scan them with their smartphones and enter their contact details.
Please read our data protection information before using the software.
- On entering, scan QR Code with smartphone camera or QR Code app. (an alternative scanner is available at or you can use the direct URL underneath QR Code)
- Enter contact details, choose your own PIN and check in.
- On leaving the room, please check out.
Please note: When playing this video, data is transferred to Youtube. In addition to the University's privacy policy, the YouTube privacy policy applies here without restriction.
Terms of use
- No additional app needs to be downloaded or installed to use contact tracking.
- A barcode/QR code scanner is available for free at
- If you don't have a smartphone to hand, you can ask another participant to check you in or contact the instructor or organisers.
- Contact Data
- The contact details only need to be entered once on the smartphone. Access to the data is secured by a freely selectable PIN.
- Before transmission to DarfIchRein, the contact data is encrypted with a key known only to the University of Göttingen.The data is stored in the computer center of the Institute for Municipal Data Processing in Bavaria (AKDB).
In order to avoid waiting times and crowds in front of the event rooms, we recommend that you register in advance. To make this possible, we have set up a "test room" for you. Please scan the QR Code displayed here from the image or PDF below and register.

Test room QR-notice (PDF)

Test room QR-notice (PDF)
Many thanks for your support!
Hinweisblatt zu Art. 13 der EU-Datenschutzgrundverordnung (PDF, 22.10.2020)
- Purpose and legal basis, right of withdrawal The collection of personal data is necessary to ensure digital teaching at the University of Göttingen (purpose) and is based on §4 paragraph 2 of the Corona Regulation of the State of Lower Saxony (legal basis).
- Service provider, processed data, recipient of the data
The DarfIchRein service is provided by a third party provider, DarfIchRein GmbH.
For contact tracking, the following data is collected and passed on to DarfIchRein GmbH: First and last name, phone number, address. The transfer of data to DarfIchRein GmbH is carried out in encrypted form. DarfIchRein GmbH is technically not able to decrypt the data. An evaluation of the data (contact determination) is only done by the University of Göttingen at the request of the public health department. - Storage period
The contact data is automatically deleted after four weeks. - Data security
When using the DarfIchRein service, the Guidelines for Information Security of the University of Göttingen must be observed.
- Please remind all participants about checking-in at the beginning of the event.
- Ask participants without a smartphone to be checked in by you or by the person sitting next to them.
- In the large lecture halls, you can help the registration by projecting the room QR codes via the document camera - at the beginning and end of the event.
- Please remind the participants at the end of the event to check out.
Register a new room
If you are responsible for a room that is not yet registered, please contact the colleagues in the central room allocation office by e-mail( Please send us the following information:- building in which the room is located
- exact room name
- maximum number of persons in compliance with the AHA-L rules