Dear students, alumni and postdocs,
The first RecruitingDinner of the University of Göttingen will take place on 24 November 2022 . From the beginning of July you will find all information about this culinary career event on this website: information about the participating companies and their job advertisements, a description of the application process and everything you need to know about the evening of the event.
Greetings from the organization team
You might also be interested in:
Claudia Kohrell
Head of Career Fair PraxisBörse and Job Portal stellenwerk
Von-Siebold-Strasse 4
37075 Göttingen
P: +49 551 39 25162
Email: praxisboerse@uni-goettingen.de
Dr. Florian Pahlke
P: +49 551 39 24283
Email: praxisboerse@uni-goettingen.de