Students, alumni and postdocs, who would like to participate in the RecruitingDinner have until 30 September 2022 to apply for positions at the participating companies. You can find out on this website which steps to take - from preparation and application to the evening of the RecruitingDinner.
Get informed
You can already see which potential employers will be at the 2022 RecruitingDinner at Participating Companies, which specializations are being sought, as well as the respective job advertisements for these.
Application process
Students, alumni and postdocs have until 30 September 2022 to send their application materials combined in one pdf-file by email torecruitingdinner-bewerbung@uni-goettingen.de.
Subject: Application RecruitingDinner at [company name] by [your name].
In case you are applying to more than one company, please send one email per company with the correct application attached. You can check whether your documents are complete under Application checklist.
The PraxisBörse organisation team carries out a rough pre-selection of applications on behalf of the companies with regard to completeness and accuracy of fit. For their part, the companies have until the end of October to select their favourite candidates for the RecrutingDinner. In early November, we invite the selected young talents to the RecruitingDinner on behalf of the companies.
Please keep 24.11.2022 free as a date if you would like to attend the RecruitingDinner. If you are unable to attend at short notice or have already found an attractive job in the meantime, please inform us as soon as possible so that other applicants can take your spot. Thank you very much!
Job application training and counseling
Would you like to refresh your know-how on the subject of application documents or would you like to get to grips with the Dos and Don'ts? The Career Service of the University of Göttingen offers you an informative application session to prepare you for the selection process for the Recruiting Dinner 2022.:
"Professionell bewerben – aber wie?" (in German)
Date: 20.07.2022 von 16:00 bis 17:30 Uhr
Unfortunately this event has already passed.
In addition, the Career Service will support you as usual with individual counselling sessions and offers.
The RecruitingDinner
The RecruitingDinner will take place on 24 November 2022 at Hotel FREIgeist in Göttingen.
Claudia Kohrell
Head of Career Fair PraxisBörse and Job Portal stellenwerk
Von-Siebold-Strasse 4
37075 Göttingen
P: +49 551 39 25162
Email: praxisboerse@uni-goettingen.de
Dr. Florian Pahlke
P: +49 551 39 24283
Email: praxisboerse@uni-goettingen.de