Confidential Supervisors of the Faculties
Like the Ombuds Office, the confidential supervisors on the faculty level are the first point of contact when it comes to good scientific practice. They provide advice on how to handle scientific standards and how to avoid scientific misconduct.In addition, you can consult the confidential advisors if there are problems or conflicts with your doctoral supervision that cannot (only) be solved with the main supervisor or the thesis committee.
The basic principles are confidentiality, fairness, and transparency for all people involved. Requests for advice will be treated confidentially; no information will be given to superiors or supervisors.
The person directly responsible for this is the confidential advisor at your own faculty. However, if it is not possible to use this counseling, you can seek advice from the confidential advisors of the other GGG faculties. This can be useful, for example, if you fear conflicts of interest at your faculty or a threat to your anonymity.
The confidential advisors of the GGG faculties are (as of April 2023):
- Prof. Dr. Hermann Veith (Faculty of Social Sciences)
- Prof. Dr. Susan Seeber (Faculty of Business and Economics)
- Prof. Dr. Olaf Deinert (Faculty of Law)