In publica commoda

Inventions and Patents


Your research has yielded new interesting results? You are currently planning the associated publication? Then this is exactly the time to consider whether you have an invention in your hands that is worth protecting and could also result in commercialization.

It is important that you have a patent examination carried out before a possible publication (poster, article, conference contribution, ...), since a protection of your innovative research result is only possible extensively before a publication.

MBM ScienceBridge – The Patent Utilization Agency of the University of Göttingen

MBM ScienceBridge, which is a 100% subsidiary of the university and offers the following tasks related to inventions and patents:

• Personal initial and follow-up consultation
• General information on industrial property rights
• Identification of patentable research results
• Support with the notification of inventions and patent application
• Commercialization of patents and other materials
(e.g. antibodies, cell lines, plant varieties)

Flyer (PDF)

Legal Staturs of University Inventions

In principle, the "Arbeitnehmererfindungsgesetz" (Employee Invention Act) applies to all employees of the University of Göttingen/University Medicine who are in an employment or service relationship with the university:

University inventors - like employee inventors in the private sector - must immediately report their invention in writing to their employer, i.e. the University of Göttingen/University Medicine, regardless of whether they consider it to be a service invention or a free invention. Service inventions are all inventions made during the term of employment which arose from the employee's duties or which are significantly based on experience or work in the employee's field of work. The University of Göttingen/University Medicine decides whether to claim or release the invention. In the case of a takeover, the patenting costs will be borne by the University. As compensation, university inventors receive 30% of the income generated by the exploitation of the invention. The inventor's institute receives a further share of the income from the exploitation of the invention.

Students are only covered by the Employee Invention Act if they are employed by the university, e.g. as student assistants.

  • Contact

    Amrie Landwehr
    Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
    Geismar Landstraße 11 | 37083 Göttingen
    Tel. +49 551 39-26227

    Dr. Florian Pahlke
    Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
    Geismar Landstraße 11 | 37083 Göttingen
    Tel.: +49 551 39-24283

    MBM ScienceBridge GmbH
    Hans-Adolf-Krebs-Weg 1 | 37077 Göttingen
    Tel. +49 551 30 724 151 | Fax +49 551 30 724 155