Self-regulated and self-organized learning in higher education
Learning in higher education or student learning differs in many ways from other forms of learning, particularly from learning at school. In contrast to school, a large amount of self-responsibility is required here, as well as the corresponding competencies for self-organization and self-guidance (see Eckerlein 2020, p. 8). In general, learning in the context of higher education can be described as self-regulated or self-directed learning. Additionally, student learning can be described as characterized by
- the intrinsic structures of science,
- the specific structural logic of explicitly arranged teaching-learning situations,
- subject-, program- and location-specific [teaching] cultures,
- various idiosyncratic learning habits,
- biographically conditioned personal meaning as well as specifically individual motivational structures. (Rhein 2015)
Self-regulated Learning
Various models describe self-regulated learning (overviews, e.g., in Boekaerts 2008, Zimmerman 2009, Schiefele 1996). Both the concept of learning counseling and these pages build on the three-layer model of self-directed learning by Boekarts (1999).

The three layers should be considered hierarchically from the outside to the inside, but they also interact with each other in practice and may overlap. In some depictions, time management is considered a resource, while in others it falls under metacognition. Generally, it should first be examined whether there is a need for action in the outer areas before looking for a specific learning technique.
The outermost layer includes resource-oriented strategies, which involve dealing with distractions and procrastination, as well as all self-competencies targeting motivation and emotions, addressing the management of external factors (such as formal examination requirements) that need to be processed motivationally and emotionally. All content related to this area can be found under Motivation, resources, and environment.
Metacognitive strategies are located in the middle layer. These include abilities for planning, reviewing, and adjusting learning, in the broadest sense, competencies in learning planning and management of learning processes. Content related to this area can be found in the category Self-organization.
Cognitive strategies in the innermost layer are concrete Learning strategies and techniques to capture and structure the respective learning material (Boekarts 1999).
Boekaerts, Monique (1999): Self-regulated learning. Where we are today. In: International Journal of Educational Research 31 (6), pp. 445–457. DOI: 10.1016/S0883-0355(99)00014-2
Boekaerts, Monique (Ed.) (2008): Handbook of self-regulation. [Reprint]. San Diego, Calif.: Academic Press.
Eckerlein, Nicole (2020): Motivational regulation in higher education. Development and evaluation of a training program. Augsburg: Universität Augsburg. Available online at
Rhein, Rüdiger (2015): University learning – an analytical perspective. In: ZfW 38 (3), pp. 347–363. DOI: 10.1007/s40955-015-0042-9
Schiefele, U.; Pekrun, R. (1996): Self-directed learning. In: Franz E. Weinert, Niels-Peter Birbaumer, and Carl F. Graumann (Eds.): Psychology of learning and instruction. Göttingen: Hogrefe Verlag für Psychologie (Encyclopedia of Psychological Praxis Areas Educational Psychology, vol. 2), pp. 256–268.
Zimmerman, Barry J.; Schunk, Dale H. (Eds.) (2009): Self-regulated learning and academic achievement. Theoretical perspectives. 2nd ed., reprint. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Available online at
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