In publica commoda

Conflict Prevention Working Group

Dealing with conflicts - a supportive network

Working at the University of Göttingen is diverse and always brings new challenges - in terms of content, personally, but also in terms of the goals and values involved. When different interest groups, needs, perspectives and expectations meet, this does not always remain conflict-free.

Practicing the constructive handling of conflicts is a contribution to coordinating and completing joint tasks better and faster, to uncovering future-oriented potential and to strengthening the crisis resistance of the university and its institutions. Balancing and negotiating differences and controversies is also part of respectful interaction and appears necessary in order to offer good working, teaching and study conditions. The working group on conflict prevention would like to make a contribution to this.

The members of the Conflict Prevention Working Group provide support in problematic situations, refer to appropriate contact points and advise on prevention before conflict situations escalate.
If you have any questions, need support or further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
In addition, other institutions offer information and counseling services that can be helpful for people in difficult situations.

Contact for questions about the working group:

Central Conflict Management (for employees)
Dr. Holger Epstein

Antidiscrimination counselling
Meike S. Gottschlich M.A.