Vier Studierende, ein Mann und drei Frauen, schieben ihre Fahrräder vor dem Oeconomicum entlang und unterhalten sich.

Make a difference,

take management responsibility

Climate change, digitalisation, complex supply chains - companies and society face unprecedented challenges. To empower you to tackle these as a manager, our Master's programme in Management not only arms you with knowledge and skills, but also helps to develop your personality, lets you discover your strengths and build a valuable network in the business world on which you can build your career.

Master's Programme in Management


Winter semester


4 Semester


Top ratings in general study situation




Limited admission (application to the faculty)


120 Credits

Information Events

For potential students/ applicants: On site in Göttingen and online: 23 (presence) and 29 April 2025 (Zoom)

Gain skills instead of just knowledge

Do you want to take leadership responsibilities or work as a consultant? Our Master's programme in Management gives you the skills to solve increasingly complex social and business challenges. You gain theory insights that help you to recognise patterns, make data based decisions and understand their impact. But you can only solve the challenges of the future if you can inspire people from a wide range of disciplines, motivate them and get them to collaborate. That's why our degree programme focuses on developing your personality and soft skills such as teamwork, communication and problem-solving skills. Joint projects with our corporate partners from the business world support you to expand your professional network. The practical work is not only intended to promote teamwork, but also helps you to enjoy your future job. In this way, you not only have a great time while studying, but also assure the best possible start in your career.

  • Basic modules: Building crucial knowledge

    The Master's programme starts with four basic modules that will teach you crucial management skills and enable you to identify your own strengths and interests.

    • Problem-solving and communication skills:
      Learn to identify and understand problems and communicate solutions: During the first semester, you will learn to recognise and structure problem patterns in small groups and to derive and communicate targeted solutions. This is based on real company cases and instruments of effective problem-solving and communication strategies (e.g. top-down communication, logic trees, story telling, etc.).

    • Practical project: In cooperation with companies from a wide range of industries, the knowledge learnt about problem solving and communication is deepened in practice in the second semester. You work on a specific management issue together with fellow students in small groups over the entire semester and present your results to the co-operation partners at the end.

    • Empirical Methods and Skills: Management decisions should be based on facts. In this module, you will learn about various methods that are used both in business practice and in research to make data-driven decisions.

    • Career development: Recognise your own strengths and interests in order to select the best career option and identify possible development needs.

    30 Credits

  • Focus area: Choose an individual profile

    The specialisation area deepens your knowledge in one of six specific business management areas or enables you to receive a generalist education. The chosen specialisation will be prominently displayed on your final degree certificate/diploma so that you can apply to potential employers in a targeted manner.

    Selectable focus areas:

    • Innovation & Entrepreneurship Management:
      Gain the skills to start a business or manage innovation in established companies and organisations.

    • International Management: Learn to manage business operations in an organisation serving international markets.

    • Leadership & Human Ressource Management: Learn how to balance the needs of employees and the goals of the company.

    • Marketing & E-Business Management: Learn to open up markets and develop problem solutions for consumers through intelligent technologies and innovative distribution channels.

    • Corporate Control & Supply Chain Management: Find out how you can use corporate management tools to manage structures and processes effectively and efficiently.

    • Business Development & Strategic Management: Get the skills to drive strategies to grow or reorient a business.

    • General Management: Be trained as a generalist in management to learn about business management from a variety of perspectives.

    30 Credits

  • Seminar: Deepen your knowledge

    • Seminar:
      The seminar offers you the chance to deepen your knowledge. You can improve your argumentation skills and develop your written and oral communication.

    6–12 Credits

  • Electives: Deepening interests

    In the elective area, you can freely choose further modules from the range offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics according to your interests and, for example, thereby further sharpen your individual profile. You can do a voluntary internship during your studies and receive credits for it under certain conditions.

    18–24 Credits

  • Master's thesis: Combining acquired skills

    Research methods, critical thinking, independence and time management: In the final thesis, you bring together all the skills you have learned during your studies. For example, you work on current and practice relevant topics and issues with the help of real data. In addition, you can also write your Master's thesis in cooperation with a company. You will demonstrate your communication and presentation skills in the final colloquium.

    30 Credits

  • Study plan and additional links


  • Career Relevance

  • 7-in-1 Master

  • Critical Skills

  • Double Degree

  • Career Network

You must be able to apply your knowledge in real-life situations. Therefore, all basic modules are designed to establish a practical connection and pave the way for your transition into professional life - for example, through lectures by company representatives or in collaborative seminars and research projects with companies. Additionally, you will address current, practical issues in your final theses, utilizing real data for this purpose.

A male student wearing a virtual reality headset and holding two controllers in his hands.

During your studies, you will develop your personality and your way of thinking and may find new interests. Our Master's programme gives you the flexibility to adapt your studies to your personal development. This is because our Master's programme follows a "7-in-1 Master's" logic. You can choose from seven specialisations (including a generalist specialisation). The specialisations are prominently displayed on your final degree certificate/diploma. This means that you have a choice of seven specialisations, giving you full flexibility to pursue your interests.

Two students, a man and a woman, sitting at the student advisory desk, are being advised by a woman.

Our Master's programme combines the learning of skills and long-term concepts. We guide you to learn about your own strengths and interests and to find the optimal role in a team for you. We place a strong focus on methodological knowledge as well as soft skills such as the ability to work together and on communication and problem solving skills.

Two female students, standing in the library, are looking at a book. One of the students is pointing at a specific passage in the book.

Two university degrees from renowned universities, an international study environment, a specialisation in international management and intercultural competencies - this is what the Double Degree Programme with the Nanjing University Business School (NJUBS) in China offers you. In four semesters, you can obtain a Master of Science degree at the University of Göttingen and a Master of Management degree at the University of Nanjing. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports the Double Degree Programme with a full scholarship (including a scholarship rate of 1,350 euros per month) for up to four students.

Two students, a man and a woman, sitting on the grass in front of the learning and study building, are looking at a laptop held by the man on his lap.

You get to know people best by tackling challenges together with them. During our Master's programme, you will not only get to know company executives in lectures, but you will also solve their real life entrepreneurial problems together with them in a practical project, for example. Furthermore, you can create a network of high quality contacts that will make it easier for you to start your professional life.

A group of six students, four men and two women, sitting in a circle of chairs, are engaging in a lively discussion.


  • Portrait photo of Merle Bergfleth. She is wearing a red pullover and standing in front of a window.

    „I decided to move to Göttingen for my Master's because I really liked the special structure of the Management Master's programme. The programme is well thought out and prepares me optimally for my future career. In the four compulsory modules, my professors teach strategies for problem-solving in a team, refresh statistical knowledge and present possible career paths through exciting guest lectures from the business world. In addition to the basis that I create with these modules, I am super flexible and can specialise in one of the seven key areas - or choose the generalist option.“

    Merle Bergfleth,

    Master's programmme in Management

  • Portrait photo of Lukas Ramin. He is wearing a blue jumper and standing in front of a window.

    „What I particularly like about the Master's in Management in Göttingen is that I can choose my individual profile from seven different specialisations. I would like to specialise in Strategic Management & Business Development and work in this area later on. Göttingen is also the perfect city to study in. The city is full of young people, there are lots of bars and cafés and the university sports programme is great.“

    Lukas Ramin,

    Master's programmme in Management

  • Portrait photo of Kathrin Dahnke. She is wearing a dark blazer.

    "The quality of the teaching staff - academically and pedagogically - continues to be important for a degree programme. This has always been the case in Göttingen. In addition, the size of the faculty ensures a broad range of courses and thus students have plenty of opportunity for exchange among themselves. The exchange with international students and the opportunity to spend a semester abroad are also part of this."

    Kathrin Dahnke,

    Independent management consultant and multi-supervisory board member

  • Portrait photo of Andreas Behrens. He is wearing

    "At the Faculty of Business and Economics, you learn how companies and the economy work, which is often not taught at school. You can specialise in different directions depending on your interests and abilities. Thus, a broad spectrum of professional fields is available to you."

    Andreas Behrens,

    Founder and Managing Director of YourCar GmbH

  • Carsten Wundrack sits in an armchair and gestures with his hands. He is wearing a white shirt and a dark jacket

    "First of all, Göttingen is a great student city and the university can look back on an impressive history. This spirit is still omnipresent. The Faculty of Business and Economics is broadly positioned in terms of subject matter and offers a wide range of courses in addition to the purely "mass" lectures."

    Dr. Carsten Wundrack,

    Partner, Egon Zehnder

How to apply

How to apply

Three simple steps to apply to the faculty

  • 1.

    Fully fill out the online application form during the application period and send it to us via the send button at the end of the form.

  • 2.

    You will receive login-data in order to be able to access the upload portal via email. Go through the attached checklist and upload all necessary documents.

  • 3.

    You will receive a reply via email approximately six weeks after the application deadline.

Apply now!

We accompany you through your studies

Your teaching team (selection)

  • Portrait photo of Michael Wolff. He is wearing a blue suit and a white shirt.
    Management and Control
    Prof. Dr. Michael Wolff

    "Supporting students in their transition to professional life always motivates me. And when I see the alumni again after a few years and they remember the course content, it makes me happy."

  • Portrait photo of Yasemin Boztuğ. She wears a grey blazer and a white blouse.
    Marketing and Consumer Behavior
    Prof. Dr. Yasemin Boztuğ

    "I enjoy working with the students in an open exchange about the teaching content. An intensive discussion of current topics is particularly exciting."

  • Portrait photo of Manuel Trenz. He is wearing a black suit and a white shirt.
    Interorganizational Information Systems
    Prof. Dr. Manuel Trenz

    "I enthusiastically discuss the challenges and opportunities of digitalisation with students in my lectures and seminars. It's great to see how they can develop innovative solutions to the problems of our time by engaging with methods and concepts."

  • Portrait photo of Katharina Scheidgen
    Entrepreneurship and Innovation
    Prof. Dr. Katharina Scheidgen

    “It is important to me to make teaching scientifically sound, practically relevant and interactive.“

  • Portrait photo of Maik Hammerschmidt. He wears a red and white striped shirt.
    Marketing und Innovation Management
    Prof. Dr. Maik Hammerschmidt

    “I consider myself an edutainer because first-class teaching these days goes far beyond just imparting knowledge and should also be fun."

  • Porträtfoto von Indre Maurer. Sie trägt einen hellen Blazer und eine weiße Bluse.
    Organisation und Unternehmensentwicklung
    Prof. Dr. Indre Maurer

    „Durch unsere Lehre sollen die Studierenden bestmöglich auf ihre berufliche Zukunft in führenden Positionen vorbereitet werden. Wir unterstützen unsere Studierenden darin, analytisch-konzeptionelle Fähigkeiten, eine kritische Urteilskraft und soziale Kompetenzen zu entwickeln. Zur Erreichung dieser Ziele integrieren wir innovative Lehrmethoden mit einer lebendigen Diskussionskultur im Hörsaal.“

  • Portrait photo of Matthias Schumann. He wears a dark blue jacket and a light blue shirt.
    Application Systems and E-Business
    Prof. Dr. Matthias Schumann

    “I am motivated by teaching students the many different approaches to solving problems and how modern IT can improve business processes and support decision-making. It is particularly inspiring to develop and discuss solutions with students.“

  • Portrait photo of Fabian Froese. He wears a dark blue jacket and a white shirt.
    Human Resources Management and Asian Business
    Prof. Dr. Dr. Fabian J. Froese

    “Enjoy your studies in Göttingen! As a university with a wide range of degree programmes, there are many options to choose from. What about a semester abroad at one of our numerous partner universities?“

  • Portrait photo of Susan Seeber. She is wearing a purple blazer and a black shirt.
    Business Education and Human Resource Development
    Prof. Dr. Susan Seeber

    “The vocational education and training system is highly exciting, complex and very dynamic: digitalisation, sustainability, migration movements - what are the resulting requirements for vocational education and training and how do we deal with them? I am happy when I see students developing a critical view of how they deal with issues of teaching vocational skills to prospective business people and with supporting open-minded young people.“

  • Portrait photo of Lutz Kolbe. He wears a dark grey jacket and a light grey shirt.
    Information Management
    Prof. Dr. Lutz M. Kolbe

    "I am satisfied when students develop an understanding of the basic principles of business information systems and business administration - happy when they sharpen their critical analysis skills, and excited when we experience the application of knowledge in business practice and projects together!"

  • Portrait photo of Waldemar Toporowski. He wears a black jacket and a white shirt.
    Marketing and Retail Management
    Prof. Dr. Waldemar Toporowski

    “I want to make clear that the value of studying is not the accumulation of existing knowledge. Rather, it is about acquiring the skills to systematically question these findings, to formulate and justify the possible doubts and to find ways to confirm or dispel them.“

  • Portrait photo of Matthias Schulz. He is wearing a blue jacket and a white shirt.
    Value Chain Management
    Prof. Dr. Matthias Schulz

    "I am happy when students contribute their opinions and experience how enriching it can be to get to know other perspectives and points of view."

Do you have any questions?

Are you wondering whether a study programme at the Faculty of Business and Economics is right for you or do you have questions about the course of studies, placement in a higher semester or recognition of academic achievements? During our office hours, we advise you on site at the Oeconomicum, digitally via BBB and by telephone without prior registration.

Student Advisory Office

+49 551 39-28800

Oeconomicum, 1st floor, Room 1.135

Portrait photo of the student advisory service. From left: Dorothee Konings wears a turquoise blouse, Dennie Oertel wears a dark blue checked jacket and a white shirt and Anja Schöfer wears a black blazer and a white blouse.