Open Science
What is Open Science?
Open Science is a collective term for the adaptation of digital technologies in the science system and the associated (intended) changes in research cultures and processes. One of the basic assumptions of Open Science is that digitalisation facilitates access to scientific methods, data and publications and promotes exchange within the science system and with other subsystems e.g. economy and society.
These developments take place in the following sub-areas of the research process in particular:
- Scientific publications (Open Access),
- Research data (FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable), Open Data),
- Methods (Open Software),
- Review/ decision-making processes (Open Peer Review),
- Reputation systems (incentives for those practicing Open Science),
- Participation opportunities for non-scientists (Citizen Science).
Why is the free access to European research results important?
Every research effort builds on earlier work and depends on the fact that researchers are able to access and share scientific information and data. Thus, the access to information and data is of essential importance for education, research and the general progress of a society.
Since when did the EU Commission promote free access to European research results?
The Open Access pilot project started in August 2008 under the former 7th framework programme for research.