Ideas Competition for Students 2018 »Excellent study conditions – committed students«
The Award Ceremony with invited guests took place on November 28, 2018 in Alfred-Hessel-Hall (Historical Building of the Göttingen State and University Libray).

Meike Gottschlich welcomes all guests.

Vicepresident Prof. Dr. Andrea D. Bührmann greets the guests at the Awards ceremony.

Prof. Dr. Dieter Heineke (Dean of studies at the Faculty of Biology and Psychology) talks about being a member of the Jury for the Ideas Competition for students for many years.

The Award-winning students, the Vicepresident and Prof. Heineke (v.l.): Jan Steyer, Julia Stachowiak, Shama Sograte Idrissi, Albert Lehr, Anna Bösemann, Lorenz Glißmann, Johannes Volmer, Rosanna Martens

Impressions from the ceremony

Impressions from the ceremony
Fotos: Peter Heller