Research Topics

The Institut für Röntgenphysik (IRP) is dedicated to biophysical research and the development and application of modern x-ray scattering and imaging methods to complex fluids and biomolecular matter.

The main research tools are x-ray diffraction, coherent x-ray imaging, x-ray waveguide optics and holography, x-ray microscopy, various light microscopy methods (fluorescence, confocal, phase contrast, differential interference contrast), microfluidics and microstructuring. Experiments are carried out both in-house and at national and international sources of synchroton radiation sources and neutron reactors.

The research of Prof. Dr. Tim Salditt's group is directed at structure analysis of soft and biological matter, from macromolecular assemblies to cells and tissues, see research pages of the Salditt group. Salditt Group Research

The research group of Prof. Dr. Sarah Köster is dedicated to nanoscale imaging of cellular dynamics, by combining close-to-physiological sample environments and in situ imaging. Köster Group Research

The professorship for structural dynamics and ultra-fast spectroscopy of Prof. Dr. Simone Techert is installed as a bridge research department between the Deutsche Elektronensynchrotron DESY and the Institut für Röntgenphysik at Göttingen University. Techert Group Research


Apart from standard chemistry and cell biology laboratories, the IRP comprises x-ray facilities with several x-ray reflectometers, diffractometers and a small-angle scattering setup, as well as a novel microfocus liquid anode x-ray source for phase contrast tomographic imaging. Furthermore, optical microscopy labs as well as a nano- and microstructuring laboratory, including the e-beam litography system eLINE are available.

A cleanroom equipped with instrumentation for thin film deposition, optical lithography, and reactive ion etching is operated jointly with 4. Physikalische Institut. Together with partner groups, laser driven x-ray sources in the soft and hard x-ray range are operated for time-resolved diffraction and imaging studies.

The IRP teams participate in the local research networks of SFB 755 (Nanoscale Photonic Imaging), SFB 937 (Collective Behavior of Soft and Biological Matter), SFB 803 (Functionality Controlled by Organization in and Between Membranes), and SFB 1286 (Quantitative Synaptologie), as well as the neuroscience cluster of excellence Center for Molecular Physiology of the Brain. Together with collaborating groups at HASYLAB / DESY and other partner groups, the IRP participates in the virtual institute In-Situ Nano-Imaging of Biological and Chemical Processes of Helmholtz Association. The Salditt group operates an endstation of nano-imaging at the coherence beamline P10 at the storage ring PETRAIII at DESY.