Summer term 2025
- Experimentalphysik IV by Tim Salditt, Wed 08:00 – 10:00 and Fri 08:00 – 10:00, HS2 (A.00.102)
- Image Processing and Reconstruction for biomedical Imaging by Tim Salditt,
preparatory meeting: Tue, 22.04.2025, 17:00, SR15,
presentations: Thu.17.07.2025 - Nanolithography and Nanofabrication by Tim Salditt,
preparatory meeting: Tue, 22.04.2025, 17:00, SR15,
presentations: Thurs 17.07.2025 - Advanced Lab Course I/II by Tim Salditt,
Please contact Ms. Michaela Ständer (mstaend@gwdg.de) for the scheduling of the oral examinations with Prof. Salditt, stating the labs made. The following dates are available:
14.04.2025 from 16:00
14.07.2025 from 16:00
Winter term 2024 / 2025
- Experimentalphysik I by Sarah Köster, Wed 08:00 - 10:00 and Fri 08:00 - 10:00
- Cell Biology Methods for Physicists by Sarah Köster & Ulrike Rölleke, 24 - 28.02.2025, 09:00 - 17:30
- IRP seminar by Sarah Köster, Tim Salditt & Markus Osterhoff. Fri, 9:00 in HS5 (E.00.109)
- Advanced Lab Course I/II by Sarah Köster, Boram Yu and Ruben Haag; TBA
- Introduction to Biophysics by Tim Salditt, Tue 10:00 – 12:00 and Fri 10:00 – 12:00, HS5 (E.00.109)
- Structure Analysis of Biomolecular Assemblies by Tim Salditt,
preparatory meeting: Mon, 04.11.2024, 17:00, SR15,
presentations: 31.01.2025, 07.02.2025 - X-ray Optics, Imaging &Microscopy by Tim Salditt,
preparatory meeting: Mon, 04.11.2024, 17:00, SR15,
presentations: 31.01.2025, 07.02.2025 - Advanced Lab Course I/II by Tim Salditt,
Please contact Ms. Michaela Ständer (mstaend@gwdg.de) for the scheduling of the oral examinations with Prof. Salditt, stating the labs made. The following dates are available:
21.10.2024 from 16:00
10.02.2025 from 16:00
Summer term 2024
- Micro- and Nanofluidics by Sarah Köster, Thu 14:00 - 16:00
- Practical training: Cell Biology Methods for Physicists by Sarah Köster & Ulrike Rölleke, 23 - 27.09.2024, 09:00 - 17:00
- IRP seminar by Sarah Köster, Tim Salditt & Markus Osterhoff. Fri, 9:00 in HS5 (E.00.109)
- Advanced Lab Course I/II by Sarah Köster & Boram Yu; Wed 10.04.2024 14:00 - 16:00, Fri 19.04.2024 16:00 - 17:00
- Good Scientific Practice (for Gauss PhD students, focus on physics) by Sarah Köster; Mon, 16.09.2024 - Tue, 17.09.2024 09:00 - 15:00
- Biomedicine imaging physics and medical physics by Tim Salditt, Mon 14:00 am – 16:00, Thu 16:00 – 18:00
- X-ray Tomography for Students of Medicine, Biology, Agriculture, Forestry by Tim Salditt, block lecture May 15 - 17, SR15 (F.00.121)
- X-ray Tomography for Students of Physics and Mathematics by Tim Salditt, block lecture May 15 - 17, SR15 (F.00.121)
- Image Processing and Reconstruction for biomedical Imaging by Tim Salditt, Markus Osterhoff, Robin Wilke, preparatory meeting: Mon, 04/08, 17:00, SR15 (F.00.121) . Presentations: July 15
- Nanolithography and Nanofabrication by Tim Salditt, preparatory meeting: Mon, 04/08, 17:00, SR15 (F.00.121) . Presentations: July 05
- Advanced Lab Course I/II by Tim Salditt. Please contact Ms. Michaela Ständer (mstaend@gwdg.de) for the scheduling of the oral examinations with Prof. Salditt, stating the labs made. The following dates are available: 08.04.2024 from 16:00 and 01.07.2024 from 16:00
Winter term 2023 / 2024
- Weiche Materie und Biophysik für 2FB by Sarah Köster & Ulrike Rölleke, Mon 10:00-12:00, Thu 10:00-12:00 in SR7 (C.01.101), Lecture, 4 SWS
- IRP seminar by Sarah Köster, Tim Salditt & Markus Osterhoff, Wed, 1:15 pm, HS5 (E.00.109), Seminar, 2 SWS
Summer term 2023
- Biophysics across scales by Sarah Köster, Mon 10:00 am- 12:00 pm, Thu 2:00 - 4:00 pm, HS5 (E.00.109), Lecture, 4 SWS
- Cell biology methods for physicists by Ulrike Rölleke, 18.09-22.09.2023, Practical course, 2 SWS
- IRP seminar by Sarah Köster, Tim Salditt & Markus Osterhoff, Wed, 1:15 pm in HS5 (E.00.109), Seminar, 2 SWS
- Advanced lab course I/II in biophysics and complex systems by Tiago Mimoso & Kaan Ürgüp, M.Phy.1401/M.Phy.1402
- Modern Experimental Methods by Tim Salditt, Markus Osterhoff Mon and Tue, 14:00 am - 16:00 pm, HS 5 (E.00.109)
- Grundlagen des Experimentierens und IT by Markus Osterhoff Tue, 12:00 - 16:00 pm, SR 15 (F.00.121)
- X-ray Tomography for Students of Medicine, Biology, Agriculture, Forestry by Tim Salditt, Jasper Frohn block lecture May 10-12, SR 15 (F.00.121)
- X-ray Tomography for Students of Physics and Mathematics by Tim Salditt, Jasper Frohn, block lecture May 10-12, SR 15 (F.00.121)
- Image Processing and Reconstruction for biomedical Imaging byTim Salditt, Markus Osterhoff preparatory meeting: Wed, 04/12, 5:00 pm, SR 15 (F.00.121) presentations: tba
- Nanolithography and Nanofabrication by Tim Salditt preparatory meeting: Wed, 04/12, 6:00 pm, 5:00 pm, SR 15 (F.00.121) presentations: tba
- Advanced Lab Course I/II (M.Phy.1401/M.Phy.1402) in biophysics and complex systems by Tim Salditt)