You would like to apply for a job advertisement as part of the RecruitingDinner? In StudIP, exclusive work and information materials, podcasts, videos and self-assessments on various steps of career orientation and application are available to you: Career Service Online offers. You can find an excerpt with tips for your application and links to the Career Service's advisory services on this website.
Information about the application process and the RecrutingDinner itself is available here.
Application documents and counselling services
Students have until 30 September 2022 to send their application materials by email to praxisboerse@uni-goettingen.de. Your application documents should be compiled in one PDF file and attached to your email. Subject: Application RecruitingDinner at [company name] by [your name]. In case you are applying to more than one company, we would be pleased to receive several emails or a clear list/name of the attached application documents. Thank you very much! You will receive a confirmation of receipt of your application(s) from the RecruitingDinner team as soon as possible.
Complete application documents
Meaningful documents usually contain:
- Curriculum vitae
- Cover letter
- Application photo (not mandatory, but recommended in German-speaking countries)
- Enclosures (relevant training, work and internship certificates, proof of additional qualifications and references)
The following documents are optional:
- Cover sheet with personal data and photo (if applicable)
- List of Annexes
Tips for the cover letter
Formal aspects:
- DIN A4 format
- DIN 5008 for business letters
- address of recipient and sender
- date
- subject
- content
- signature
It is best to avoid standard phrases such as "I hereby apply...", but instead highlight something in the first paragraph with which you can best score points and arouse curiosity, e.g. your qualifications, the most important detail from your CV, your main area of study or interest, telephone call or trade fair contact in the run-up...
Main part
Describe why you are suitable for the job with regard to the required qualifications. Be careful not to make assertions ("I can work well in a team") but to back up your statement with examples from your biography ("During my studies, I worked successfully as a team member on five different projects on the topics XY, and I am also a long-time player on a hockey team"). Also elaborate on why you are applying to this employer.
Final part
If requested in the job advertisement, state your salary expectations and possible starting date. Optionally, you can refer to your willingness to answer further questions and/or references.
Profiles in social career networks such as XING or LinkedIn
XING and LinkedIn are social networks that are mainly used for professional contacts. On these websites, you have the opportunity to interact with other users or companies and respond directly to job offers. Even if you do not apply to a company via the social networks, recruiters may search for you on them to find out more about you.
Your profile allows you to map your academic history, professional experience and interests - it's your virtual CV. Make sure that your profile and the information on your CV match. Think about what information you want to share and with whom, and use the privacy setting features. You have many options to make your portfolio individual and visually appealing.
Info session "Apply professionally - but how?"
Der Career Service offers you an info session to prepare for the selection process for the Recruiting Dinner 2022:
"Apply professionally - but how?"
Date: 20.07.2022 from 16:00 to 17:30 Uhr
Unfortunately this event has already passed.
In addition, the Career Service will support you as usual with individual counselling sessions and offers.
Claudia Kohrell
Head of Career Fair PraxisBörse and Job Portal stellenwerk
Von-Siebold-Strasse 4
37075 Göttingen
P: +49 551 39 25162
Email: praxisboerse@uni-goettingen.de
Dr. Florian Pahlke
P: +49 551 39 24283
Email: praxisboerse@uni-goettingen.de