In publica commoda

W1 Professorship with tenure track to W3 in Business Administration, in particular Business Informatics with a focus on Enterprise Architecture

Institution: Faculty of Business and Economics
Date of Announcement: ( 16.05.2024
Application Deadline: ( 20.06.2024

The Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Göttingen invites applications for a temporary professorship with civil servant status (grade W1 NBesO) with tenure track (grade W3 NBesO) at the earliest possible date:

W1 Professorship with tenure track to W3 in Business Administration, in particular Business Informatics with a focus on Enterprise Architecture (f/m/d)

The successful candidate will initially be appointed for a period of three years. If the interim evaluation is positive, the employment contract will be extended for another three years. Transfer to a permanent professorship (W3) shall take place after another positive evaluation without the position being readvertised.

The applicant should be involved in the design and management of enterprise architecture from the perspective of business informatics in research and teaching. Within the range of topics and methods of business informatics, a more technical view on the conception, development, evaluation and use of information systems, architectures and algorithms is desired. Applicants should have expertise in at least one of the following areas:

  • Digitization and automation of business processes (e.g. application of technologies such as AI, machine learning and robotics process automation)
  • Orchestration of application systems (e.g. selection, control and automation of application systems in complex IT architectures)
  • (Inter-)organizational data architectures (e.g. data fabrics, data lifecycle management, data ownership)
  • Design of decentralized applications and platforms (e.g. application of blockchain technology for business processes)
  • Cybersecurity (e.g. the tension between efficiency and security in corporate architectures)

The applicant's current or future research should address one or more of these areas in the field of digital health.

We are looking for a team-oriented and committed personality whose research activities align with a Department of Business Administration, in particular with the faculty's research focus areas "Governance and Compliance" and "Marketing and Consumer Science". Promising applicants show the potential for excellent publications (proven by contributions to leading international conferences as well as papers in the review process of leading international journals of the business informatics/information systems community), have a clear research profile that is demonstrably connectable in practice, are methodologically strong and have initial experience with the acquisition and/or execution of third-party funded projects (e.g., DFG, EU, VW, federal government).

The successful candidate is expected to be highly committed to teaching our Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes, the doctoral programme and the Göttingen Graduate School of Social Sciences. In particular, the candidate is expected to teach one foundational undergraduate course in the Bachelor's programme in Business Informatics. The University of Göttingen attaches importance to research-oriented teaching.

The successful candidate is expected to offer courses in English and it will be appreciated if the professorship participates in cross-faculty networks as well as in CIDAS (Campus Institute Data Science). The acquisition of third-party funds is also expected.

Appointment requirements are stipulated by Article 30 of the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act in the most current version of that law. As a rule, applicants who have obtained their doctorate from this university can only be considered for a professorial appointment if after the completion of the doctoral thesis they have transferred to another university or worked for a minimum of two years in research elsewhere. The University of Göttingen is a Public Law Foundation and thereby entitled to award professorships. Details will be provided upon request.

Applications from abroad are explicitly welcome. The University of Göttingen strives to increase the proportion of women in areas where women are underrepresented and therefore explicitly invites qualified female scholars to apply. The University has committed itself to being a family-friendly institution and supports its employees in balancing work and family life. The University is particularly committed to the professional participation of disabled employees and therefore welcomes applications from persons with disabilities. In the case of equivalent qualifications, applications from disabled persons will be given preference. In order for the University to be able to protect the interests of the applicant, information about a disability or equal status should be included in the application.

Applications should include the usual documents, as well as a research and teaching concept. Please send your application as a single PDF file to the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Business and Economics at no later than June 20, 2024.

Please note the following instructions: Third-party funding details should include total amount, own share, applicant, project consortium and presentation of own contribution in the application process. Research concept (preferably in English) should include a description of your future research topics and approaches (1 page). Please also include two core publications in PDF format that characterise your previous research (preferably at least one as first author).

If you have further questions, please contact the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics:

The submission of the application constitutes consent under the data protection law and allows us to process your application data. For more details on the legal basis and data use, please refer to the information sheet on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Please note that only the German version of this job announcement is legally binding.