In publica commoda

Frequently asked questions (FAQ's)

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Target Group

Who can receive support or file a complaint?

Answer: The offer of the Ombudsperson and the complaints management is directed at students of the University of Göttingen, prospective students, and graduates (up to one year after graduation). Faculty members and administrative staff of the university can also seek collegial advice from the Ombudsperson. If you do not belong to any of these groups but do not know who to contact, the Ombudsperson will try to refer you to the appropriate office.

Can I file a complaint on behalf of another person if I have observed/heard something?

Answer: The Ombudsperson usually only becomes active if the directly affected persons wish to do so. However, you can report incidents you have observed and thereby possibly help affected persons by testifying to an incident. It is also possible to seek advice from the Ombudsperson on how to handle what you have observed.

Can staff, faculty members, or citizens also contact the Ombudsperson/complaints office?

Answer: Faculty members and administrative staff of the university can seek collegial advice from the Ombudsperson. Citizens who do not know whom to contact will be referred to an appropriate office by the Ombudsperson.


How can I file a complaint?

Answer: You can get in touch by phone (+49 551 39-24334), in writing, via e-mail, or through the contact form on the website. Personal consultations are offered by appointment.

What issues can I bring to the Ombudsperson?

Answer: The Ombudsperson handles a variety of issues, including conflicts with faculty members, injustices in examinations, and needs for improvements in study conditions. Please see the offered services for more details.

What happens after I submit my suggestion or complaint?

Answer: After receiving your request, the Ombudsperson will review the matter, possibly ask follow-up questions, and in consultation with you, initiate further steps to find a solution. You will be informed about the progress and outcome. For more information, see the procedure.

Do I have to provide my name and email address to give suggestions or complaints, or to seek advice?

Answer: Concerns can also be submitted anonymously to the Ombudsperson, for example by using the contact form. However, please note that your concern may not be processed if there is no possibility for follow-up questions. Accusations against individuals can only be addressed if you at least identify yourself to the Ombudsperson.

Who will know that I have contacted the Ombudsperson?

Answer: The Ombudsperson handles all personal data and information about matters strictly confidentially. She only contacts other involved parties or responsible persons within the university in consultation with the students who contacted her. If the processing of the matter does not necessarily require it, no personal data will be shared.

How long will it take to receive a result?

Answer: The Ombudsperson handles all concerns as quickly as possible. However, depending on the matter, research and many discussions may be required before a result is available. It is best to discuss the expected duration of your concern directly with the Ombudsperson.

Should I worry about being graded unfairly if I complain about a faculty member?

Answer: If you wish to express criticism or find a solution in a conflict with a faculty member, you can first seek independent and confidential advice from the Ombudsperson about your options and the possible consequences. Faculty members should not grade unfairly due to a conflict; if this is suspected, the Ombudsperson will support you in clarifying the matter and ensuring fair grading.

Alternative Contacts and Legal Framework

Who can I contact if I don't want to contact the Ombudsperson? Who can I contact if the Ombudsperson is not responsible?

Answer: All faculties and the ZEWIL have designated contacts for complaints. Additionally, the AStA and various specialized advisory services of the university and the Studentenwerk offer support.

An overview can be found here. If you do not know which office can best help you, the Ombudsperson will also assist you in finding the right contact.

Where can I find the legal framework?

Answer: The tasks and procedures of the Ombudsperson and complaints management are described in § 24 of the Regulations on the Quality Management System in Study and Teaching and the Evaluation of Teaching (QMO-SL) and in the Quality Management Manual of the University. The most important case-related regulations can be found in the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act, the General Examination Regulations of the University of Göttingen, the examination and study regulations of the respective degree programs, the enrollment regulations, various admission regulations, and many other legal texts. If you are unsure where to find information or how to interpret it, please ask the Ombudsperson for assistance.

Reasons to express criticism

How does it benefit me to express criticism?

Answer: By expressing criticism, you contribute to improving learning and study conditions. Your feedback allows the university to identify issues and initiate positive changes. In the case of an individual conflict, the Ombudsperson also tries to mediate to find a solution for you personally.

What options does the Ombudsperson have to support me?

Answer: The Ombudsperson can first advise you on how to assess a situation and what options you have. She can also contact the involved/responsible parties and try to mediate a solution. If this is not successful, she can request a final decision from the member of the presidency responsible for study and teaching.

What can I do if I am not satisfied with the outcome of my request?

Answer: It would be helpful to provide feedback to the Ombudsperson so that she can possibly take further steps. The possibilities to find a solution within the university are exhausted when the Ombudsperson can no longer offer an option or the presidency has already decided that the issue cannot be resolved. If you do not feel sufficiently supported by the Ombudsperson, you can also contact the head of quality management in the department of study and teaching, who is superior to the Ombudsperson.

Interested? Take a look at the offered services, the procedure or the homepage of the Ombudsperson and the Complaint Management. There you will find information on what to expect when you get in contact and much more.

Do you have any further questions or concerns? Do not hesitate to get in touch.