In publica commoda

How does the ombuds system work?

If you have questions about good research practice, are affected by a conflict related to research integrity or suspect research misconduct, you can contact the Ombuds Office for Good Research Practice for a confidential initial consultation. You decide whether the counselling takes place by telephone, via video conference or in person. The purpose of the initial counselling session is to clarify your concerns and to consider together with you whether and what form of support you may need (e.g. calling in an ombudsperson for a mediation meeting). The ombuds office will not take any action without your explicit consent. The Rules Governing the Safeguarding of Good Research Practice form the basis for the ombuds work.

Under the following links you will find information on the ombuds system and its contact persons at the University of Göttingen and beyond.

Ombuds Committees at the University of Göttingen

  • Ombuds Office for Good Research Practice
  • Ombudspersons/Ombuds Committee of the University
  • Ombudspersons/Ombuds Committee of the Medical Faculty
  • Ombudspersons at Göttingen Campus
  • Joint Investigation Commission of the University

  • How does the ombuds system work?
  • The University`s ombuds system at a glance
  • FAQ
  • Cases from the Ombuds Committee

  • In this video clip you can find out how the ombuds system works:

    Supra-regional Ombuds Committees
  • Ombuds Committee for Research Integrity in Germany
  • DFG-Rules of procedure for dealing with scientific misconduct (2018)
  • DFG Research Integrity Incident Reporting System
  • Ombuds Committee of the German Psychological Society (DGPs)