Anmeldung (bis spätestens 30. April) sowie
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Veröffentlicht am 25.02.2025 auf dem YouTube-Kanal von Forstwissenschaften und Waldökologie
Ground Pressure Measurements of Forestry Crawlers
Remote-controlled forestry crawlers have become popular in forest operations as compact pre-skidding machines, driver for attached devices or transport vehicles in recent years. Due to their low tare weights in relation to most other forest machines, reduced soil disturbance is expected from the use of remote-controlled forestry crawlers. To allow for a better understanding of their impact on the soil, the Department of Forest Work Science and Engineering is carrying out ground pressure measurements with different types of remote-controlled forestry crawlers as well as, for reference, with a medium-sized forwarder and a side-by-side vehicle in an ongoing co-operation project. Pressure sensors with high spatial resolution are used for the measurements implemented under controlled, homogeneous conditions in a sand bed to provide the best possible repeatability and thus comparability.

Double success
At the beginning of October, two doctoral students successfully completed their doctorates with a disputation.
Bastian Hinte defended his dissertation on the topic „Untersuchung verschiedener Rad-Band-Kombinationen und deren Einfluss auf den Spurbildungsprozess in Feinerschließungssystemen“ on October 5, 2023.
Florian Hartsch followed the next day with his defense on the topic “Influence of Forest Machine Operator Work Practices and Operator Assistance Systems on the Efficiency of Fully Mechanized Timber Harvesting Systems”.
The entire ergonomics and process technology team warmly congratulates both of them and wishes them all the best for their future careers.

Exoskelett (in German)
Title: "Exoskelette für den Forst" Published on 04/14/22 at the YouTube channel of Forst und Techink
Newspaper article on the visit of the canadian ambassador (in German)
Printed on 10/10/2020 at newspaper magazine"Westfalenpost"
Link to the newspaper article (PDF)
With a sensitive nose for detecting bark beetles (in German)
Title: "With a sensitive nose for detecting bark beetles" Broadcasted on 09/29/2020 at BR Television