In publica commoda

Das Uni-Was-ist-Wo

The services of the Central Office of Student Affairs (Studienzentrale)

At the Central Office of Student Affairs (located at Wilhelmsplatz 4) we provide orientation, answers to basic questions on your studies, and will help you with any problems.

You will find the Central Student Advisory Office (Zentrale Studienberatung), the Registrar’s Office (Studentensekretariat) and the Central Office of Student Affairs’ information desk »Infothek« under this roof. The Central Office of Student Affairs is open daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Fridays until 1 p.m.). The individual teams there offer various opening hours for advice to students.

You can obtain answers to all your study-related questions from the telephone info line (InfoLine), which operates daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Fridays until 1 p.m.) on the number 0551/39-113. Alternatively, you may ask your questions via E-mail (

You will also find a member of the Central Office of Student Affairs staff at the Infobox in the foyer of the central cafeteria (Zentralmensa) daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Fridays until 3 p.m.). This is also where the campus office of the Career Service is located.

Chip card, eCampus and self-service functions

All students receive a student ID in the form of a chip card. You must update the validity stamp on your chip card every semester. This is important, for example, for the semester ticket. The printers for this are located in the main lecture hall building (ZHG/chip card centre) or in the Central Office of Student Affairs (Wilhelmsplatz 4)

Along with your student ID you also receive login data for the eCampus portal. Among other services, eCampus includes the self-service functions where you can re-register for the next semester, print out certificates of enrolment or change your contact data.

Advice on your university studies

All general questions concerning your study programme or your combination of subjects, and any problems that may arise during the course of your studies, can be discussed with the team of the Central Student Advisory Office (Zentrale Studienberatung), which is located at the Central Office of Student Affairs. The Central Student Advisory Office has opening hours for general inquiries, and appointments for more detailed counselling interviews can be made via:

If you have queries relating to the specific content and organisation of your degree programme as well as subjectspecific problems during your studies, contact the facultybased study and examination advisory services:

Studying internationally

As a foreign student, you will receive support with all issues involved in taking up your studies here in Germany from the team of International Student Services (Studium International) located at the Central Office of Student Affairs (Von-Siebold-Str. 2). Please visit:

Students can also obtain information about periods of study abroad from the team of International Student Services (Studium International). Planning should begin one and a half years before the planned study period abroad. Please visit:

If you would like to find a »study buddy« or make international contacts at Göttingen University, the InDiGU project will provide you with everything you need to know:

Student Services (Studentenwerk)

Student Services manages the cafeterias, student hostels and social facilities for students. In the building of the central cafeteria (Zentralmensa) you can fill out an application for a student loan (BAföG) and put your name on the waiting list for a room in a student hostel. The social and financial advisory centre is also located here. The Psychosocial Counselling Unit offers various courses, from work strategies to time management, at:

Financing your studies

Student Services will advise you in all questions regarding BAföG (student loans) and funding of your studies. The Central Office of Student Affairs provides information on semester fees and »Deutschlandstipendium« scholarships as well as the Lower Saxony state scholarship (Landesstipendium Niedersachsen). In the »Studentische Jobbörse« (student job market) on the website, as well as at the placement service of the employment agency, you can find part-time job offers.

For questions on financing study-related stays abroad, please contact International Student Services:

Additional information and contact points

At the University you will find numerous contact points.
You can contact the Representative for Quality of Studies (Ombudsperson) if you have any comments, suggestions or complaints regarding studies and teaching or services, which can be expressed absolutely confidentially and even anonymously, if desired. More information can be found under:

Special offers for students with children and information on equal opportunities policies can be found in the Equal Opportunities Office:

Chronically ill or handicapped students can address their questions to:

The International Writing Centre supports students of all subjects in writing academic texts and creating presentations:

An overview of all advisory services offered is found here:

Research-oriented teaching and learning

The project research-oriented teaching and learning offers Bachelor-Students the opportunity to do practical research early on in their studies.. The Students work in teams and are supervised by lecturer.
Additional information at:

Career planning and job application

If in the course of your university studies you have any questions concerning potential career opportunities, the Faculties will help you as well as the campus office of the Career Service, which you will find on the way up to the main cafeteria. The staff will help you with planning your career, formulating your job application documents and preparing you for job interviews and assessment centre testing.

Student representation

The university-wide student representative body, the Allgemeine Studierendenausschuss (AStA), arranges info events, a campus tour and a newsletter for first-semester students of all subjects, in addition to and complementing the orientation events offered by the faculties. You can also receive information about the semester ticket here. If you would like to play an active part on University committees, please get in touch with the AStA and your subject representatives (Fachschaften/ Fachgruppen). More details are available at:

Excuse me, where is ...?

All facilities, buildings and maps are found at:

We wish you a successful start to your studies!