In publica commoda

Press release: Huge outpouring of support for the campaign "Göttingen region’s direct aid for Japan“

Nr. 77/2011 - 13.04.2011

University partners collect € 57,000 so far – Up-and-coming events on April 13, 2011

(pug) Over the past two weeks, the “Göttingen region’s direct aid for Japan” aid programme has collected almost € 57,000 in donations. The money will go directly to help Japanese students and young researchers and scholars affected by the disaster that unfolded mid-March in Japan. Along with the City of Göttingen, over 30 partners from Lower Saxony representing business, science, sports and the arts are participating in the campaign. Next week, further aid-collecting events will be taking place in Göttingen: On Wednesday, April 13, 2011, the Bullerjahn Restaurant is hosting a charity dinner. That same evening, the BG Göttingen sports club is auctioning off their Europe Cup jerseys at the “Lokhalle” (an historic former locomotive repair warehouse turned into an events facility).

Last Sunday, the Göttingen Symphony Orchestra, the Göttingen city church choir, the Göttingen Lutheran church district put on a solidarity concert in the Johanniskirche (St. John’s church). This event took in proceeds totalling around € 10,000. For one week, the Göttingen Student Association served Japanese food in the main cafeteria and, since then, has set up collection boxes at all cash registers. So far, these boxes have collected up to the tune € 9,600. Altogether, the Sparkasse Göttingen savings bank, the companies KWS Saat AG, Mahr GmbH, THIMM Verpackung GmbH & Co. KG and Novelis Germany along with the City of Göttingen have donated in excess of € 20,000. Since the aid campaign kicked off in the University’s historic Aula on March 25, the populace has gifted almost € 14,000, including numerous single donations of € 500 a piece. Working from Göttingen’s pedestrian zone, the Student Association ”For Japan” collected close to € 3,300 in donations. Even the 10th graders at the Voigt Secondary School in Göttingen took in a three-digit figure during their three-day cake sale.

The menu at the charity dinner to be held this Wednesday at the Bullerjahn Restaurant will feature a three-course meal; seating starts at 19:00 CET. “On this evening, all our servers and cooks will forego their pay. All proceeds from the ticket sales will go towards the aid campaign,” announced Olaf Feuerstein, Bullerjahn’s General Manager. “The Bullerjahn Restaurant attracts tourists from all over the world; we have frequently welcomed guests from Japan. That’s just one of the reasons why we are happy to make our own personal contribution to the aid programme.“ Tickets cost € 39 per person; for reservations, call the Bullerjahn Restaurant directly at phone number (0551) 30 70 10-0 or the Voucher-Shop at phone number (0551) 30 70 20-0.

On the same evening, BG Göttingen is playing at home against Alba Berlin, another Beko Federal Basketball League team. The game tips off at 19:30 CET. During the game, the BG Göttingen basketballers will be auctioning off their Europe Cup jerseys imprinted the “University of Göttingen” logo. Up to the end of the third quarter, spectators in the “Lokhalle” can enter their bids for the jerseys. In addition to this, BG Göttingen had special shirts printed with the Japanese symbol for “Helping“. These jerseys have been on sale at all home games since the beginning of April. All proceeds from the auction and T-shirts sales will go to the charity campaign.

The world famous Japanese butoh dancer, Tadashi Endo, who has been living in Göttingen for the last 40 years, has also pledged his support. On Saturday, June 11, 2011, he will be performing his current solo ”IKIRU – Hommage à Pina Bausch“ at the Deutsches Theater.

Beside its financial support, the Sparkasse Göttingen savings bank has also initiated a private campaign called “Five Euros for Japan“. The tellers and staff at Sparkasse banks are collecting money among colleagues for the disaster sufferers in Japan. The Sparkasse Göttingen bank board has agreed to add to every euro donated.

“We hope that this and other campaigns take in substantial donations to enable us to help as many young people as possible,” states Göttingen University’s Vice President, Prof. Hiltraud Casper-Hehne.

All donations are organised by the not-for-profit Georgia Augusta International association. The organization makes sure that all donations go to directly benefit those affected by the disaster. A committee of experts from the groups participating in the aid programme will decide on how the funds are allocated. This committee shall be holding its first meeting mid-April to decide about the allocation of bridge scholarships for Japanese students. Donations can be paid to the aid account at the Sparkasse Göttingen: Account number 15 1000 19, Bank routing code 260 500 01. Please state Payment Purpose: “Direct Aid for Japan”. Donations are tax-deductible. For further information, contact Dr. Tanja Falkowsky, Göttingen University's International Department, phone number (0551) 39-12482, or visit the website

Contact address:
Prof. Hiltraud Casper-Hehne
Vice President for Research and International Affairs,
Georg-August University Göttingen
Wilhelmsplatz 1, 37073 Göttingen, Germany
Phone (0551) 39-4320, Fax (0551) 39-4520