In publica commoda

Press release: University of Göttingen and HAWK plan closer collaboration

Nr. 174/2011 - 05.09.2011

General agreement on future cooperation in research, teaching and further education signed

(pug) The University of Göttingen and the HAWK University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hildesheim, Holzminden and Göttingen aim to expand their collaboration at the Göttingen Research Campus. The presidents of the two universities – Prof. Dr. Ulrike Beisiegel und Prof. Dr. Christiane Dienel – recently signed a general agreement to this effect. Their closer cooperation is specifically planned for the areas of research, teaching and further education.

HAWK president Prof. Dienel said, “With this contract, we are sending a clear signal. The University of Applied Sciences and the University of Göttingen are partners within a common education system. Now we are able to maximise our respective strengths, offering both students and businesses appropriate and attractive studying and teaching options. I think that this cooperation contract is a great step forward for the Göttingen region.“

University president Prof. Beisiegel remarked, “Today’s labour market requires a modern education system that caters to the demand for qualified and skilled specialists. To achieve this, the different university types have to work together closely. HAWK, with its focus on applied natural sciences and engineering, is an important partner for Göttingen University, excellently complementing us in basic research. We intend to intensify the existing collaboration in physics and in forest sciences and extend this successful collaboration to other disciplines. With this joint venture agreement, we are strengthening the Göttingen Research Campus, of which the HAWK has now become an associate partner.“

In the future, the University of Göttingen and HAWK will open up some of their degree programmes to students of the other university; the docents will be able to offer lectures and hold examinations interchangeably at the other institution. The range of research topics at the Göttingen Research Campus will also be extended by developing and launching joint research foci and projects. This also includes a coordinated concept to support junior scientists and scholars. Additionally, the two universities will mutually coordinate their further education offerings and cooperate in terms of general structural planning. Based on this general agreement, the faculties and institutions of the two partner universities can enter into their own cooperative projects.

Contact addresses:
Dr. Bernd Ebeling
Georg-August University Göttingen
Press, Communications and Marketing
Phone +49 (551) 39-4342

Sabine zu Klampen
The HAWK University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Hildesheim, Holzminden, Göttingen
Public Relations Department
Phone +49 (551) 881-124