In publica commoda

Press release: Göttingen University is no. 2 German institution of higher education in world ranking

Nr. 214/2011 - 10.10.2011

The Times Higher Education: Georgia Augusta placed 69th among the Top 200

(pug) In their world ranking for 2011/12, the authoritative British magazine Times Higher Education (THE) has ranked Göttingen University 69th, placing Göttingen in second position among all German institutions of higher education. “We are delighted that we have again achieved an outstanding result in the country-wide comparison. This has underlined our firm position in the leading group of German universities," said University President Professor Ulrike Beisiegel. In the detailed analysis, Göttingen University improved its rank in the categories International activity, Collaboration with business, and Knowledge transfer/spin-offs.

This is the second time that the ranking list has been issued based on a new methodology; according to THE, less weight is placed on the institutions’ reputation and tradition. Rather, the list now better reflects the core missions of universities: teaching, research and knowledge transfer. The overall score for each university was derived from scores compiled from 13 separate performance indicators. These can be summed up under five general headings: Teaching, Research, Citations, Industry income and Internationality. According to the THE, this is the only university ranking worldwide that takes into account the issues of teaching and the learning environment. This year's data was again provided by Thomson Reuters, the media group. The complete ranking list, including all results in detail, can be viewed online at: