In publica commoda

Press release: Exchange with Central Asia and the Caucasus region: applications until March 2012

Nr. 283/2011 - 16.12.2011

More than 200 international scholarships available from Göttingen University – EU-funding of 5,3 million Euros

(pug) In the coming years, the University of Göttingen is able to assign a total of 226 international scholarships to scientists, students, and staff of universities in Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus region. This autumn, the university’s International Office took over the coordination of three international exchange programmes within the EU-funding line „Erasmus Mundus Action 2“. The application period for two of these programmes has now begun. It will be open until 15 March 2012. Funding by the European Union for the two programmes amounts to a total of 5,3 million Euros over the next four years.

The scholarships have terms of three years each and are available to bachelor, master and Ph.D. students, as well as to postdoctoral researchers and staff members. The funding is not restricted to specific subjects; the first exchange will take place in the autumn of 2012. Partners in the exchange are nine universities in Central Asia (in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan), eleven universities in the Caucasus region (in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia), as well as universites in ten countries of the European Union.

„Central Asia and the Caucasus are new regions of interest for the University of Göttingen,“ emphasizes Professor Hiltraud Casper-Hehne, Vice President for Research and Internationalisation. „We aim to collaborate with the universities there on several different levels. Furthermore, we already have established collaborations with more than 65 universities all over Asia.“ This November, the project partners from Central Asia, the Caucasus and Europe came together in Göttingen for a kick-off meeting. „There, we developed and agreed on application and selection criteria as well as quality assurance,“ says project initiator and coordinator Dr. Uwe Muuss, head of the International Office at Göttingen University. In addition, the University of Göttingen is a partner in eight more international projects that also enable collaborations with universities in other regions of the world.

More detailed information about the respective projects, as well as application forms and deadlines is available on the web at

Netra Bhandari
Georg August University Göttingen
International Office
Von-Siebold-Str. 4, 37075 Göttingen
Phone +49 (0551) 39-10694