In publica commoda

Press release: Intensified cooperation between the agricultural sciences

Nr. 133/2016 - 28.06.2016

Göttingen University and the University of California, Davis sign letter of intent

(pug) Göttingen University and UC Davis are planning to work more closely together in the future. Göttingen University's President, Professor Ulrike Beisiegel, the Dean of its Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Elke Pawelzik, and the Dean of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at UC Davis, Professor Helene Dillard, have signed a letter of intent to exactly that effect. The two institutions of higher learning want to intensify their cooperation primarily by promoting the exchange between students and lecturers.

The University's President and the two deans put their signatures to the letter of intent during a joint agricultural workshop held in Göttingen. There, amongst other things, researchers and scientists discussed the consequences of over- and undernutrition in various countries of the world, the determinants and impacts affecting the international agricultural trade, how environmental effects should be considered in analyses on the efficiency of farm production systems and examined the interactions between land use and climate change.

Internationally, the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at UC Davis is regularly ranked amongst the leading faculties in the agricultural sciences worldwide. Both joint venture partners hope that their collaborative efforts will send out important impulses to research and teaching in the field of agricultural economics and all other areas of the agricultural sciences.

Contact address:
Professor Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development
Chair of Agricultural Policy
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5, 37073 Göttingen
Phone +49 (0)551 39-22872