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Press release: Excellent project in Computer Science

Nr. 134/2016 - 23.06.2016

Researchers from Germany and Japan continue successful collaboration

(pug) A joint German-Japanese research project in Computer Science, coordinated by the University of Göttingen, has successfully passed the final review by the European Union with the grade of “excellent”. Together with scientific and industrial partners, the researchers in the collaborative project “GreenICN – Architecture and Applications of Green Information Centric Networking” have been working on how to make networks stable during natural and man-made disasters. They provided solutions to make future networks more resilient and to increase the battery life of base-stations in the aftermath of disasters from the current one day to two or three days. GreenICN also demonstrated that some of the solutions could be used immediately to improve the performance of video delivery, where each member of a group downloads a part of a video via the mobile link and the members share this with one another via ICN techniques. The EU funded the project with the amount of roughly 1.5 million euros over the course of three years.

The researchers will be able to continue their successful collaboration, since the EU and the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology in Japan have already approved the follow-up project “ICN2020 – Advancing ICN towards real-world deployment through research, innovative applications and global scale experimentation”. One of the goals of ICN2020 is to develop network solutions to support 4k/8k video delivery in scenarios that are relevant for large-scale future events such as the Football World Cup and the Olympics. Furthermore, the scientists aim to develop solutions to improve the network efficiency in a future where almost everything will be connected to the internet – for example, the next generation mobile network will need to support around 100 billion devices connected to the internet. ICN2020 will also be coordinated by the Computer Networks Group at Göttingen University’s Institute of Computer Science and will also be funded for three years.

Prof. Dr. Xiaoming Fu
University of Göttingen
Faculty for Mathematics and Computer Science
Institute of Computer Science
Goldschmidtstraße 7, 37077 Göttingen
Phone +49 551 39-172023