In publica commoda

Press release: Looking out of the box in virtual worlds

Nr. 167/2016 - 26.08.2016

1.5 million euros earmarked for digital teaching projects aiming to internationalise degree programmes

(pug) The University of Göttingen supports teachers in the conception and implementation of innovative, internationally aligned teaching projects. A total of 1.5 million euros from central study quality funds have been earmarked for the three-year project titled “Internationalisation of the Curricula: Internationalisation - Digitalisation - Diversification”. These funds come from the State of Lower Saxony and are to be spent on improving the quality of both teaching and studying conditions. As the first university nationwide, the Georgia Augusta started early this year to undertake a strategically aligned, cross-departmental and systematic internationalisation of its degree programmes.

From winter semester 2016/2017, teachers will receive financing to design virtual learning environments and digital teaching and learning materials. To this end, they will be working in close collaboration with visiting professors from abroad as well. Amongst other projects at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, a new course on field research within international contexts will be launched. This summer, students are making films in Indonesia, Pakistan and India; their videos will then give fellow students a first glimpse into how research is practised abroad. This new seminar will provide a virtual world where students can communicate with on-site partners and share out-of-the-box thinking on how research hypotheses can be processed in others countries.

“In addition to creating new content, the project also gives students insights into the higher education systems and scholastic, academic and scientific practices of foreign countries. This expands the perspectives of Göttingen's teaching into an even broader intercultural dimension,” explains Professor Hiltraud Casper-Hehne, Vice-President for International Affairs and project leader.

“Virtual cooperation within these teaching projects fosters communication across language barriers. This also lets them develop a deeper understanding of cultural differences and similarities,” adds Project Coordinator Dr. Tanja Reiffenrath of the Student and Academic Services Department.

The new formats and forms of communication and cooperation in teaching are designed to allow barrier-free accessibility, whilst showing consideration for the students’ different living circumstances. The aim of these novel teaching and learning materials is to enable as many students as possible to evolve their international and intercultural skill sets. "Not only are such skill sets pivotal to professional success in science, business and politics. They are of central importance to living in our migration-impacted society,” Professor Casper-Hehne states. "Given that only around 30 percent of German students on average currently take a semester abroad, the German institutions of higher education are presently tasked with allowing their students to gain international expertise and acquire intercultural skill sets.“

Students participate pro-actively in the internationalisation of their degree programmes. Many ideas for the project design have emerged from talks with representatives of the departmental student committees. The students’ votes also carry weight in the decision making process on the awarding of project funds.

In cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK), the University is hosting the international conference on the "Internationalisation of the Curricula in German Higher Education: Concepts, Initiatives, Actions” from 1 to 3 November 2016. At the event, examples of effective internationalised teaching styles will be discussed and evolved, whilst innovative options for action available to German institutions of higher education will be elucidated.

Professor Hiltraud Casper-Hehne
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Vice President for International Affairs
Wilhelmsplatz 1, 37073 Göttingen, Germany
Phone +49 (0)551 39-13110